We made a double sheet cake one time for a gtg at Terry Landrums for a guys birthday. I took a picture of a 395 and had it printed on the edible icing stuff and put it on it. I'll try to dig up a picture of it.
My daughter and her boyfriend made a gingerbread house today. Notice the woodpile, chopping stump, and axe, there are even a few splitting chips, they were his idea. I think he is trying to butter me up.
I like the shortbread press. Do you use cold butter when mixing it? How stiff is the dough when you roll or press it out?
I think this question is for me. I used the butter at room temperature and didn't chill it like the recipe said to. I mainly patted the dough into the press, then used a floured spatula to press the dough in. The dough was quite crumbly so I cheated by adding a touch of water to it. When I made another two batches, I didn't let the press cool enough before using it the second time. I ended up with really soft dough in the press. It all turn out well and now it is all eaten.
Was going to post this New Year's Day but got sidetracked. Peanut Butter cookies that disappeared New Year Eve.
After derailing Pallet Pete's tax question thread, I decided to jump over here and post pics of the Blackberry crisp I promised to make Campinspecter. Here are pics before baking and I am waiting for it to come out of the oven. Frozen blackberries in the dish with the crisp almost ready to go. Just to add the oil. Here it is ready to go in the oven. Just 10 mins until it is out. While it is cooling, we'll go and buy whipping cream to go on top!
Here is the finished product. Went to buy whipping cream and got intrigued by Soy Whipped cream. Got the can home, found out it was expired and nothing would come out. Ended up taking it back. Used Silk Soy milk instead. Crisp was good!
Do you adopt? Made some no-knead bread yesterday (2 loaves) and it's already gone. I know, no pics.........but honest, I did make it. Then ate it.