Noticed Lowe's here today was $279 for their regular pellets, $315 for Greene Team Plats on sale from $350. 2 miles down the road, Vandy Platinum $248. La Crete $275. Doug Fir $339. Dan
Saw a Lowes truck Sunday just down the road from us. I was shocked to see 6 tons of them getting ready to be stuffed in a neighbors garage. At those prices? I guess its still cheaper than electric, But I will try to talk some sense into them someday.
LOL. I still get those emails from the manager at GT when they have deliveries to our local Lowes in CT. I remember one time replying to him that I was wondering if they were selling their pellets or that Lowes would be sitting on those pellets for a long haul.... He replied praising their quality above all others and blah blah blah......
Some folks are on auto-pilot. I know one who has both oil and pellet heat options. He budgets a certain amount of money to buy pellets every year, and he buys them no matter what the situation is. He's not one that burns pellets because of the environmental concerns of burning dino juice, or because he likes the "constant steady heat of a pellet stove" either. Like most, he got a pellet stove to save money heating his house. His brain's just programmed to assume pellets will cost less no matter what, so he doesn't take the time to look around at his other options. Lots of folks operate like that. Some have only ever burned one brand of pellets and that's the only brand they will ever burn, some will only burn hardwood pellets because they are old school wood stove burners, etc...
I know what ya mean TT Joe at Bucks carries Dry Creek , because some people that's all they will burn even though he way better options in the same price range
Around here, those heat pumps are taking off like crazy. Every one I know who has them are very enthused with them. They leave their old oil burners in for the very cold times, Like -10F But for heating and cooling, nothing compares in cost unless you consider your labor cutting wood at zero. I am told they are especially good at cooling. I am older and want to sit by my stove. Just the way life is for me. Something about sitting by the fire that is very therapeutic for both the wife and I.
Same her Larry , my Honey and I look forward to Friday night after a long work week sitting in front of the stove , having a cocktail or 3 and catching up our week and making plans for the weekend
Eventually the heat pump is the way I'll be going also to replace my electric heating system more so for the cooling application . But for now the pellet stove is a great way to heat and will probably continue to be my main source .
Still too much money. Can't justify the extra cost. At least that is how I see it. Glad I got mine at bargain prices. Had I more space I would have filled that up also.
My stoves multi-task; they dry clothes, dry my hair after a shower, dry act as night lights, produce white noise for sleeping, warm me super quick when I'm freezing to the bone, cook potatoes, oh yeah - they keep me and the cats as warm as we want to be.
Heat pumps should be outlawed north of the carolinas. They where never designed for north east. A heat pump in Northeast should just be considered electric heat. Because after the holidays your auxillary electric coil wont turn off till march. Please dont do It
A family I've been friends with for years own an appliance store. They got into the heat pump business and now have 2 crews on the road non-stop installing them and can't keep up. I've never looked into them but I have a 2 story house so I would need 2 of them. Maine has some of the highest electric rates in the country and these things use electricity. They make no sense to me. I'll burn oil before I use electricity. Well, after I put a new furnace. Until then, strictly pellets.
A heat pump is fine as long as you have something other than electric backup heat on it.....gas back up would be good right now.