All joking aside, Dunkin Donuts is a VERY reputable company. They are based out of MA and every Red Sox baseball game they place underprivledged kids in tons of their reserved seats. They do a lot for the community. Here they actually have a locally owned, localy staffed, and locally broadcast radio station (100.3 WKIT) and they wanted the morning DJ's to talk about their Dunkin Donut's food in paid advertising. The local DJ told Dunkin Donut's executives that he couldn't. He had a stroke and had to watch what he ate and could not lie to his listening audience, figuring it would be a deal breaker. They said, "We don't want you to either. We don't want anyone to lie on our behalf (which explains the senior citizen discount ). I just thought in today's corporate world, that was unique. Now back to our previously scheduled roasting of the orginal poster!
schlot schlot schlot.... We are going to have to have a long talk. Sit down and make yourself comfortable. (not that comfortable...) Let me start.... First there is the Menards incident.... And now this. Where did we go wrong???
Now now, schlot....I'm here for ya....... Besides, anyone associated with Chuck Norris must know this- Wait, what were we talking about....oh yeah......"JUST FOR MEN" .......STAT!!!!!!
Hah hah. I got 6 years on ya schlot but I stilllook young enough I dont get the SD deal. But then, I dont eat doughnuts and junk food either.
OOOPS...Sorry, I'll fix my post for ya Or maybe you had the hearing aid turned down and you missed the nice lady asking for your AARP card?
Look at the bright side Schlot, now you can get those free lunches down at the senior center. Look what you started, Pops.
I remember when I was 50, I think. Life was good back then, I'm trying hard to remember......I got nothin'. Now what the heck was I supposed to do today? You got me all confused.
I tried to fit myself into schlot 's situation if it happened to me. First off I'd take the 10% discount as cashier error, then I would look to see how old the cashier was go see if someone was trying to hit on me. You never know...