Ok...major issues with a nation wide (store) today that I need your support in protesting so that this serious issue can be changed before it goes any further. Waiting on a client I decided to stop into Dunkin Donuts and grab a snack. With a youthful spring in my step, I entered and ordered a hot chocolate and some donuts holes, like any kid would. The cashier rings up the tally, I pay and she hands the receipt to me. A range of emotions coursed through my body as I looked at what was written on that little sheet of paper! How could she be so vulgar to print that right on my receipt?! What had I done to deserve such treatment??!! I stood there in shock, disbelief. Saddened yet angry I took the receipt from her and vowed I would not let her get away with this!!! I probably shouldn't show you this next picture as it can be very upsetting, but for the good of the cause I will. Senior????? I just turned 50!!!
Hah. I read "issues with a nation wide" as "issues with Nationwide," and guessed you were fighting over an auto insurance claim. It seems you've only suffered a collision with reality!
Did she hold your arm walking you back to your car? I'm surprised they still let you drive.... Edit....duh...I bet you forgot already.
I'm beginning to feel a distinct lack of empathy from my FHC "friends" for a tragic event. And here I thought we were family? By the way can you guys type in larger fonts, I have to go and find my bifocals otherwise.