I wish I could give you some of mine. Its pouring here and the temp is 42 f at noon. When the clouds clear enough I can see fresh snow on the mountains even below tree line. I was going to go drop a fir tree today but not in this kind of weather. Ive burned in the evenings the last 6 or so days with the exception of last night. Me thinks its a fire day.
Beautiful picture! Where abouts are you? I lived in the Okanagan Valley for 3.5 years and had great friends in Nelson. Used to love visiting down there. I am happy to be back home in NB but do miss the mountains.
Thanks. The trees in the forefront are all larch trees so will be very yellow soon. Theyve started turning but you cant really see it in my gloomy picture. The Okanagan sure is a nice area but way to hot for me. I believe thats about 7-8 hours west of us. Weve lived here in the east kootenays for almost 17 years now. I hear lots of people from your region who come out west and end up missing home and going back. Ive never been but it must be a great place to live since it seems to get in your blood and never leave. Weve had a cool wet summer in BC, how about you?
Hot and dry for the most part here. Not near as bad as Nova Scotia and Ontario but hot enough that I am looking forward to the Fall
A little cooler here today, low 70's and we have the air shut off and the windows open. Also closed the pool today so no a/c and no pool pump to spin that electric meter....yahoo. Been a very nice summer here though, even with the heat I enjoyed it.
I've been through Okanagan a few times on my way to North Cascades Park...... It's high desert kinda like where I live.
Dropped down to the upper 40's last night. 99 started a fire in the 13, I saw the smolder coming from the pipe when I walked up to the cottage....there she was with the door open a little too wide.....also had smoke in the room! She doesn't have her EPA certification yet!!!!!
Yeah the Okanagan is pretty much a desert with lots of lakes. Weather and scenery is amazing. Just a bit too far from family. We moved back to Ontario (my wife is from there) to spend time with her family. Her mother and grandmother both passed away while she was pregnant with our daughter and she decided wwe should move to NB to spend time with my Mum and family here. I am very fortunate to have spent time in many beautiful place. We have now bought a farm so won't be moving anywhere else but looking forward to visiting lots of new wonderful places.
Hhhmm, I would miss the cold arctic air that flows down to us every year. Its fun when you inhale through your nose and your nostril hairs freeze!
I grew up in Richmond (right next to Vancouver BC) and during the summer my parents would take us camping in the Okanagan. If memory serves correct it was about a 5 hour drive from Vancouver. We had so much fun there as kids. My dad retired 5-7 years ago but his career was a commercial airline pilot for Air Canada. One weekend he asked if we wanted to go spend some time at the beach. We drove to the airport, jumped on a plane and an hour or two later we were in the Okanagan swimming. What a great memory that is!