I can get Corinth at 246 and Crabbe (Softie) at 244. As I still have 3.6 ton of Lacrete, I am still likely on track to take 2 ton of Crabbe
J, I was looking hard at the Big E . Glad I didnt go that route Same here. Great minds think alike And President O's 30% tax credit helped this decision ALOT
Cubex burn like crap in my stove. I could never figure out why people raved about them. I burned 1 bag of Platinums last year that didn't impress me either. A good DF or softy like Lacrete on the other hand make me a happy camper.
I am with you on LaCrete-those have never failed me, same with Spruce Pointe, although maybe a bit less than LaCrete. But really splitting hairs between the 2. Vermont didnt burn all that great for me or a friend with an XXV. If I remember correctly they left a film on both stoves that was tough to clean. Feed rates didnt change this. Subbie, you tried Crabbe at one point, right? How were they in the P61?
Damm, now I have to try some Hamers here & will spend a week re-tuning the stove - THANKS for that B. Cubex + LG Granules 50/50 mix burned almost as hot as Olympus DF in the stove here, and that was in the 'olden days' before I knew what the h... I was doing w/ getting our stove tuned properly, I'll give Hamers a shot !
You're welcome - anytime I can cause more work for someone, I'll do what I can . Hey but some of us don't have to re-tune when we change out brands
With all the softwood talk, I thought I'd mention that you should see some of the Maine Woods softwoods showing up in stores soon.
Yeah, the stove is feisty - like the Mrs. , and a certain Harman burner I know.. It's all good - with the new parts we put in April '16 (Burn Pot, Baffle Plate & Bracket) she's burning like a new stove! I may still not know what the h... I'm doing though.. Looking forward to expanding our Pellet roasting repertoire here. Now I'm starting to sound like Skeeter !