I have a tree in the back yard that I believe is either buckeye or chestnut. Either way I'm likely taking it down. It's pretty small, blocked by a walnut tree and we have dogs. I don't really want my dogs eating either, but Buckeyes are toxic. I just don't know what the tree is. It looks stressed from no rain or something. Leaves are all spotted.
True chestnut (Castanea dentata) has "toothed" leaves. Buckeye (Aesculus glabra) is in the horse chestnut family (Aesculus hippocastanum). Both have the spikey balls containing 2+ nuts. Horsechestnut tends to have 7 leaflets, where buckeye tends to have 5. So, yes, I think that's a buckeye.
Definite buckeye. Trash trees IMO. They drop leaves waaaaaaay to early as seen by your browning leaves, not to mention all the crap that ends up on the ground from squirrels eating those "nuts". Pretty much bottom of the barrel on BTU's also. Fire up the saw. You have bonfire wood to make.
I'd put money on that being a buckeye as well. If in doubt make a small cut in the bark with a hatchet, buckeyes tend to smell skunky.
Definitely a buckeye. I've got several. Mine is already dropping leaves. But remember GO BUCKS! We live in OHIO!
I always wanted a buckeye tree...for obvious reasons. Now that I have one, and have dogs, it makes me think of huge vet bills.
I've only seen a couple of those but have to agree they are buckeye. Didn't realize they smell so bad when cut! As for the brown on the leaf, we also have a lot of oak doing that this summer. Just too dry. Very, very few acorns on the oaks either.
I've got three dogs. They have never ate buckeyes. Usually the squirrels get them. Not many on the tree this year. It goes in cycles once every 3-4 years there will be a bumper crop. Usually make buckeye necklaces then and everybody wants one.
Buckeye nuts are said to be two things in wives tales. First is if carried they bring good luck. Second, to carry one to alleviate arthritis pains.