I happen to feel the same way! It's a different kind of beauty from the West. Around here, you rarely get a chance to see much of the countryside at one time for the trees and hills. The nice part for motorcycling is that most of these state routes are old enough that they follow the contours of the land rather than plowing straight through. Makes for some very nice riding.
Love the Hocking Hills, Rock House, Old Mans Cave, and Mound City area.... I was stationed in North Carolina in the early 70's and would ride my old Triumph up there to see my mom in Lancaster, Ohio it was really nice ride in the fall time of the year... some great memory's for sure!
Lancaster is about 35 minutes away from me on RT22 which is a nice ride though not very curvy. Most everything south of 22 including Hocking hills area is fun to ride. Have been to Old Man's Cave many times over the years. They have a bunch of zip lines and stuff in the area nowdays...not sure if I will ever try that. Hoping to do a little Kayaking down there later this year on the Hocking River. Do you remember which route you used? Did you come through Marietta? All my most favorite riding is just north and east of Marietta. What model Triumph did you have? That's an Iron Butt qualifying ride!
I had an 3 cylinder Trident wish I still had it now! I really can't remember any of the roads, I'd just wander around. My grandmother lived in Clarksburg.
That's one of my bike's ancestors! It's tough to go wrong for a good ride around here. When I start out on one, I never have a set destination...when a left or right looks good...I take it. I had been working on riding everything around here at least once, but that task is nearly completed. Now I usually just head in the general direction of my favorites.
RCBS I tried the metzeler m7rr's out today on wet, then damp, and then straight out hot and humid weather today. It hit 88° today in the afternoon ride home. The ride in was wet pavement, with it turning to damp and drying pavement, then full dry by the last 1/3rd of my 32 miles each way commute. I'm impressed, I had great traction, even on decent attempts to break traction on wet road sections once the bike was full upright. They turn in nicely and have a nice feel to them for tar snakes, uneven pavement, and any irregularities in the pavement. I'll test then out even more next week.
Our tar snakes here in Wisconsin are worse than any other states I've ridden in. That's not a good thing to be best at.
Most assuredly not! I have been noticing a down trend in our road systems here over the last 10-15 years. Roads and highways only seem to get attention when they are completely terrible. The road I lived on when a child was gravel. Then when I was about 10 the asphalt came much to my excitement for my bicycle! All the township and county backroad it seems were paved. Now they are all going the other way. My favorite...chip & seal. Roads that have been asphalt since i was a kid are now moving back towards gravel. Doesn't make much since to me as I am positive that the amount of taxes collected has done nothing but go up. Tar snakes are relatively "new" in these parts. I have seen the same road...a county road with plenty of traffic get snaked 3 or more times before they finally give up and put down pavement. I only have two vehicles, a sport motorcycle and a stiff riding truck. Seems there are more bumps and imperfections than ever. Of course we all want racetrack conditions for riding but I'm willing to settle for fairly adequate these days. The snakes have ruined 3 routes for me so far. Hopefully they will break down fast and need proper maintenance soon.
Most assuredly don't come out here to ride - tar snakes are the norm, and way more than 3 applications go on before the road is redone. Then also there are the frost heaves, pot holes and gigantic cracks. all part of the riding experience. I must say though, my "sofa" doesn't really mind tar snakes as long as my tires aren't bald.
I was on a route with some snakes yesterday. It's mostly a straight highway, but there are some sweepers where I was trying to stay "in the pocket" (place with lest amount of tar) for sure. I think I only felt the rear slip a little once. It just causes me to lose confidence and therefore the ride becomes much less enjoyable. I hit a raised spot in one of the expansion cracks that I think shortened my spine by a couple millimeters on my way home. Also, nowadays I think the three wheeled cruisers are considered the road sofas...don't even have to lean! I ended up having to pass a three wheeler and what looked like to me an inexperienced dresser rider yesterday. They were doing 50 in a 55 on a straight two lane. I generally don't like to overtake other motorcycles, but patience only lasts so long. To top off my ride a lady decided to turn right with me about 50 yards from the intersection she was at headed the same way. She waited for the two cars in front of me...then out she came. No-where near an accident thanks entirely to my vigilance. This was on my way back home...about 2 miles away. Stay frosty out there everyone!
They were probably trying to obey the speed limit, I've never really been able to do that on a motorcycle, damm 1%'s.....HUH!I got got rained out yesterday and turned around and came home, I was only 120 mile's into a ride........I really hate those tar snakes when wet, very spooky!
To be fair, a lot of speedo's are deliberately set low by the mfg. My Suzuki C50 was 5-7% off once I got to 40 or so, and most members of a forum for that bike and its relatives experienced the same thing. My Ex's 2008 HD Electraglide was off on the low side by 5 mph at 65 (drove me nuts when I was driving behind him that he wouldn't account for it). I know my previous SG was off too. However, my current 2011 SG is dead on at 48 mph - ask me how I know (doesn't mean it's right at higher speeds though).
I was told by a Trooper that they tend to give the two wheelers a 10mph "margin" on speed...especially by those of them whom ride. There was actually one hiding out at a little state garage down in Hocking. Came over a rise to see him....looked down...speed 52...posted limit...50 - Yes! haha! Surprising since I'm usually 15-20 over on those type roads. Thanks traffic! I was thinking maybe the woman on back of the dresser wasn't wanting her hair messed up? Sometimes I will get the wavearound from the cruisers, which is highly appreciated. These folks knew I was back there and seemed oblivious. If I'm riding and a faster rider comes up behind, I promptly look for a good opportunity to bear right and let them by. All riders & bikes have different speeds they like to ride. I ride more briskly than most (these parts), but slower than many also. The Harleys are always going too slow for me (my comfortable & enjoyable pace). That brings up an odd topic also...If they just want to cruise and enjoy the scenery and whatnot, why do they put an obnoxiously loud exhaust on their machine? Always figured the ride would be more relaxing without the noise? I run stock exhaust on my scooter. I bet that Statey never heard me hooning on it just before I popped over the hill. I like being quiet.
Heck I'm only in 3rd gear @ 55mph might as well walk...... I've even passed cops doing 55 I must have instinctively known they were around.