Pic isn't showing up probably cuz it's from his email you have to save it to your device then upload it for it to show up
Prepping my area near my stacks where I pile wood, and started moving some pieces that had been there more than a year. Uncovered an adult copper head. First i have ever seen anywhere near my woodpile. Usually see all kinds of black rat snakes which aren't poisonous, and i think eat copperheads???, but let this copper head alone and watched him crawl off into the woods.
I posted this guy before I think, but a couple springs ago I grabbed my wood boots and one felt heavier than the other. This guy was inside my boot.
Daughter put her foot in a shoe and there was a mouse in there, she was about 21, I didn't know what was going on all of a sudden she was running through the house screaming  Same daughter went into the garage to take some trash out there didn't know what she was stepping in barefoot turned on the light, floor was covered with maggots she freaked out, was about 15
Looks great! Nice sized too! How far north in Wisconsin are you? Poor fella is looking for sumthin to eat. Great "guard cat".
Found this little turd while loading some splits last week. Stuck my hand down right by him! He didn't make it!
About half an hour north/northeast of Hayward or 45 minutes from Ashland.. Edge of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest.
What kind of snake is that? I've never seen one with a ring like that in south-western OH. He looks kind-of cute!
Pretty sure there is a garder den on our property. In the past we've averaged 6-10 per year. A stick behind the head and they're harmless. I simply re-home them a few miles away with a bucket. Black snakes get the same treatment.
Need to run the saw into it to see if it's hollow. I beat the snot out of a grass snake Saturday morning. He is sleeping in the picture
Im glad we only have gardener snakes here although Ive heard there are some rattlers in the interior of BC where its almost desert like terrain.
I've tried to eat bear meat twice. I highly doubt there will be a third time. The last time we tried and gave it to the dog. He would not even touch it. Convinced me.
kinda like there are no mountain lions either. 15 years ago we moved into our house in March. Come April I walked into the woods where our positive drain is ditched a few hundred feet to make sure all was good. In the mud not 50 feet from the garage I was noticing tracks I passed of as bear. Closer inspection showed no claws. Within a week I heard of a half dozen lion sightings, one of wich is very friendly with a warden. His response was "someone should run it down and call the news so the state has to admit it "
Problem with bear meat is its so gamey and fatty.. Great grandmother had a recipe that made it so you could swallow it.. soaked it raw milk 24 hours and broiled it... wasn't bad as a kid.... tried it twice since without her treatment and it's a no thanks!
I had some black bear that was great! It was at a game feed (nuts and guts, they call them!) so I can't say how it was prepared, but man, was it ever good!!
Burger and stew is great. Roasts are Ok in the crockpot. Steaks deserve a lot of beer. If I shoot it I'm going to eat it but I don't hunt bear every year like other things.