I'll be firing back up tonight, supposed to hang in the 50's all day then down to the 30's tonight and tomorrow night.
Will be near freezing mark tonight ... just brought in enough wood for tonight's fire. House at 69 now but will light it up when we hit 67. Pretty sure this is the last weekend for fires; can't ever remember burning this late in the spring.
next 3 days highs of maybe 50 lows in 30 with wind rain and snow! I might have to put another bucket nor 2 on deck.... but it's only middle of May
Stove is cruising along with a load of soft maple and cherry. I'm about done at this point, I'll load the stove this week as needed but after that I may just suck it up and use the propain.
A cool 44 with elm and hickory doing it's job. I still have about 1/2 a truckload of junk maple to burn but gonna' have to split it 'cause it's so big and ugly,,a guy should be chasing the fishes this time of year.
So pizzed I refuse to look at temp and it woodn't matter anyway. Had an inch of snow at 6am. Went back to bed I was so depressed. Got back up around 9 to an e'Fing blizzard!!!!!! Its not sticking but I cant see the neighbors house 400' away. This is stewpid even for the snow belt. Reload with whatever I damwellfeellike ! SALTY
Expected to go down to freezing tonight. Will load up the castine with a few splits of oak before bed. Had rain and sleet this afternoon.
It's 40 with some snow at the moment, we had a fire this morning and tonight we'll have another fire with some Cherry firewood.
Pine burnin now 47, some of it is a little punky it's dry but won't last long, Low Tonight 36, probably burn some Ash and Cherry later
Just fired up ol grandma. Just gonna burn the rest of the oak in the wood bin on these next few cold nights. Callin for high 30's tonight with clear skies. Cranberry farmers round here can't catch a break. We had 10 days with rainfall then a week long of above average temps. Now nights back in the 30's with low winds and clear skies. Gonna hear the pumps runnin out back for sure tonight.
just realized loaded Ideal steel as IAT went below 70 outside is 39 and rain with a good breeze... I might need another load from out back cause wood deck is empty! I am burning everything left on porch, in stove now popular, ash, elm, birch and red maple ... variety!
Loaded last night with ash and beech at 10:30, that held us until 12 today and I loaded some aspen and silver maple. Headed down to put about 3 smallish splits of something to hold us until tonight's load. Frost advisory, have some beech, hickory and locust on tap for the overnight.
It ended up snowing all day Saturday with a cold wind. The snow wasn't enough to accumulate (around here) much more than an inch or so, but to the east there was more. The week will start out with three days in the 50's for highs. Wood stove was great at the cottage!
We're already down in the 30s with frost tonight. Started a small oak fire a little bit ago. Fleece jammies going on too.
Sunny today after rain overnight. Highs of upper 40's only. I'm betting we'll hit 50's with the sun shining! Looks like 70's for the weekend-welcome back black gnats!
Fired up the OWB again yesterday afternoon with a load of quick burning dry pine then threw on some peach wood. that was dead standing It seems to have burnt up this morning.