Yes they are. My wife step out the front door last year and there was one right there by the porch already coiled and ready to strike. I have snake charmer right next to the front door just for those bad boys.
"They" are awake.... I didn't have to go for a ride to see this guy. He walked into my backyard at diner time the other night. I went out and pulled in the bird feeders, but he still had to check the pole out and bent it for me... The cat was not pleased!!!!
I only eliminate copper heads and rattlers, see very few rattlers as is---the others, like basod said are so very beneficial I leave them be-I hate when a yard snake gets sucked up in the zero-turn mower...I mourn it like killing a bird...Just leave the nons alone...
In Colorado we had 3 rattlesnakes over 25 years (granted we lived in the foothills) and I now bug bomb twice a year for black widows. The second rattler I realized after returning home after too many hours work, turned out it had bit my 9 month old puppy before our contractor found it and killed it, that precious dog turned out just fine after almost 2 days of IV antivenom and became a S T A R hunting dog! Too many encounter with black widows, I was told by the satellite tv installer after moving here a few years ago that this altitude is too high for rattlesnakes. I dont think I believe him. What altitude are you at Mag Craft ?
I like snakes and bats. They are both welcome to come eat as much as they can of the pests in my yard!
I grew up in south FL so snakes I can deal with. We have a large black snake that lives under our porch. My wife named him Bubba. He keeps the copperheads and rat away from the house for the most part. Last year he raided a flying squirrel nest and knocked the babies out for a snack. My wife was out there doing battle with Bubba trying to save the squirrels. I wish I'd had a video of the crazy lady racing the snake across the hillside screaming..... Bubba Stop!..... Bubba Stop!! lol
The snakes I'm fine with, of course there's nothing poisonous around here. But spiders.....eeeek!! I picked up my ladder the other day and there was a wolf spider the size of my palms right next to my hand! I think I emptied half a bottle of Raid on it!
I would definitely not like that the bear felt that comfortable around humans to come so close to your house. The damage they can do while looking for food is pretty amazing.
I've seen timber rattlers in Acadia, I even flagged down a ranger and got him to document it, he said he'd show the pic to the herpetologist, I called a few weeks later to ask and they said they had no record of it, so the OFFICIAL word is no, kinda like there are no mountain lions either. I believe Canadian border VT has said he's seen timber rattlers on Killington.
Yup it was me, Gramps worked at killington, back when it was privately owned.. late 80s.. we were checking the water lines that went to snowmaking.. Heard him before I saw him he was sunning himself on a rock ledge.. I happened to be climbing ... before cell phones no pics.. I was pretty excited. gramps less so i went around him to get a good look ... I let him be ... I was in his home not other way around. Gramps said the lived in small caves and crevices in the rocks.
Found a snake in the barn a couple days ago. Walked right past him and he hardly moved. Before I went out he did move a little but there are some mice in there so I hope he found a meal or three.
I got a whiff of a live bear once, , not sure I would ever be able to eat bear meat after that smell.