I think I heard on the news that we are about 30" above normal right now for the year in snow fall and rain. The good part is the reservoirs will be full. No worrys.
Started the stove tonight-upper 30s dropping down some more by morning. Rained the better half of the day, so tossed in a few oak splits.
It'll melt pretty quick. Lots of moisture in this stuff and the aspect ratio of the sun should help keep the roads pretty dry too. We're all just sick of it this year. One more month to go, not out of the woods yet.
Windows down, no fire in the stove, wife still complaining about IAT. Same temp now inside as average during stove season..... She's maybe a little
Thermostat? What's that? Sounds like something filled with Mercury. We ain't got one of those. Hit low 80 F's outside here this afternoon. House picked up a lot of that comfortableness
Sounds like I need to send a snowball UPS to Eric VW, and have the driver chuck it at him as he drives by.
I'll let him have a piece of this delectable Peanut Butter Pie, which probably wouldn't survive the ride out of our neighborhood, on account of the WARM weather here.
Lit a small fire this morning, house was down to 66. Rain predicted all day and a high of only 45 so no solar gain was going to happen today. Threw 3 small white elm splits on when I got home from work, it was 69 in here, 71 now. Will probably pit 3 more on before bed to hold it around 71-72ish cause we are headed to near freezing tonight. May have 1 or 2 more small fires before next week when it FINALLY looks like it will be highs in the low 70s all week!
Hmmmm.Yes. But then again.......Peanut Butter Pie. 80 F's day time highs. See my sig for current temps. I feel for ya's, really. Chilly out there