Temp dropped last night and it was 64º in the house this AM I woke up to what I thought was a bad dream but it wasn't, the furnace was actually running. Fir and maple. Because it is still just 42º out this afternoon, rainy and cold and getting close to 32º tonight. My pine is all wet.
Thats getting up there! We have nothing but rock and snow at that elevation, ok maybe some scrub bushes and grasses when the snows gone but not much else. Were 46 right now in the rain. Im looking forward to burning some more pine and fir when I get home tonight.
not uncommon ....... many years see tulips and daffodils lilacs in snow up here... hoping it will be one of last... that's off the wood deck facing southwest towards apple tree. when it stops snowing it becomes wife's sunset and glass of wine deck
Jay Zues !!! You sent that chit right at me. It was 60's overnite . By 11am it was low 30s. Whutthephuq????
If Gene Kelley showed up, I'd shove him in a snowbank. And chop off his zombie head. Sooo.. It's snowing, again. People are really getting grumpy around here, myself included. We're ready for consistent weather, this 60 one day then snowing the next is aggravating. It's also totally normal, I have to remind myself. Luckily, 5 splits of Aspen go for 24 hrs. Outside of those 6 weeks of deep winter cold, the BKK is a good stove.
It rained all night last night then this morning it changed to hail and then to snow. Then this afternoon it cleared up. The dirt roads were really bad this morning when I drove out.
X2! We had over a foot earlier as ours was snow overnight instead of rain, its so wet and heavy it has been compacting down. I will be even more grateful when spring is finally here
42° and pretty cold for spring here. I've got beech in my Quadrafire, and the house is warm. 72° in the back hallway, well away from the stove.
Because mule deer are stupid. The only deer I've ever hit with a car, was a muley, in far Eastern Oregon. Of all the whitetail deer I've seen while driving in the Midwest, I've never hit one.
Burned a fire throughout the night. Makes the house cozy in the morning. The wood was from ash (?) stumps that had been laying in the wood shed for ages, long before we took over this place. Temps in the mornings are now around freezing. But day time temps are getting good.
33 at 6am Sun is warming things up. Went to kids baseball game last nite right after work in my heavy work clothes. Froze my klacks off! Wind coming up the valley felt like icicles piercing the side of my face. Ma nature can goto the beach and pound sand. Its almost May!!!!! Big load of oak and coal last nite still percolating away.