42 outside this morning, could have had a fire and I thought about it at 11 pm but just went to bed and set the gas boiler on 70. I heard it kick on once or twice this morning but it's warming up outside now.
Only got into the upper 20's overnight. Today is going to be sunny and 60's. Yeah! No bugs yet and almost all the snow is gone...just a patch here and there.
38 and overcast right now!!!! WTH,,,,,,, this weekend was forecast nice and warm Had to start a fire . Main house was warm but the lower 2 levels were cold and damp.
There is around 3" of rain coming for today and tomorrow. Temps will be dropping to the 30's. Hmmm, you don't think.....?
Dam. 30 this morning. I should have brought nor wood in. I decided I was done. Oh well, let the black stuff flow.
Cold, rainy and windy all day here. Don't know if it made it out of the 30's or not. Good thing is no snow yet.
Wow from some of what Im reading its colder in many places than the Rockies. Weve had some great weather lately with highs some days up to 73, interesting side note though is that on those days we get a bit of a frost in the morning. The grass will get its first mowing this week and the apple tree has buds. Ive seen a few dandelions flowering in locations that have just the right aspect. I actually stopped burning for 6 or so days but Im back at it for the second day in a row since its a bit cooler. We reached 53 today but its raining and down to 44 now so Im on my second half load of the day. First it was lodgepole and now its a bit of doug fir. Should warm up in a couple of days but until then I can enjoy heating with a bit of wood.
Darn the super 27 got up to 660 f because I was distracted and didnt close the damper all the way due reading the 14 pages on the get together at backwoods place. Its ok these stoves are ok with that temp. It settled down shortly after but now Ive got a sweat on! Glad to hear it was a good time! That was nice of you Dennis, Backwoods Savage to host a get together for the members. Sounds like fun!
Peeked at the deck but I don't see any white on it! Woo Hoo! I am as close as you can get to freezing now...33. There were a couple times yesterday that I thought the rain was turning to snow, but it held off. Looks like on night coming up in the upper 20's, but no moisture expected.
been snowing all morning as the ground is not frozen not a lot of accumulation but pine trees are pretty.. burning ash and pine..
wildwest that probably seems pretty low in elevation considering whats normal in your state. If it helps were a 3a or 3b on the plant hardiness charts.
Snow flakes confused my camera on autofocus and it fogged up when I opened the door Atleast 8" overnight and still falling. It's almost May!