I miss scopes . He posted the funniest Christmas parody youtube a year or two ago. Darn and that that silly song still comes to mind sometimes. Where are you scopes ?
It's been colder here than normal. Burned 3 days last week. Upper 20's last week. Highs mid 40s now this week different stry. 77 today. No fur tonight... Unless it's female type
like beetle kill said the antelope have extremely good eye sight. The deer like to get next to the road where the grass is real green and graze there also. Especially at night. I have never hit one myself but have seen them plenty of times out by the road and when coming home at night I am very mind full that they can be there.
Do you know the crest of Bingham Hill in Bellvue? I had a sportscar with a low sloping hood and drove that road twice per day before til the county paved the res road years later. The day after we bought the truck in my avatar I was on the downside of Bingham hill west bound, there was a 6' soil bank and 6' fence ontop of that. While going not more than 15 mph on that tight hairpin+ turn, a large mulie doe practically came out of the sky from over that fence and 12' down onto the road infront of me, she almost landed on the road except the grill of the new to me blazer got her before her feet hit the ground. Unbelievable, I would likely have been dead if I was in my sportscar (1982 Supra). Be it my cautious protective husband (he was my boyfriend way back then) or the will of God, I was in that truck instead of my old sportscar.
I stopped at the old farmhouse at the bottom, he got a pistol and we went to find her just incase. She was already expired, likely instantly.
Dropped almost to freezing and we never got the rain that was forecasted for yesterday. Not quite ready for the whole lawn stuff yet anyway...cripe, it just barely started growing!
You should be proud of that accomplishment! Not too many people can actually claim to have hit a deer on the "wing"! (before it landed from it's jump) Thank God and WWW and you too for letting him talk you into the blazer. Now then, isn't the supra a car with a lot of surprise in it? I wonder why you haven't posted of pic of it in that cool cars we've owned thread?
45 now Been in the 60's-70's last 4 days. Its been DRY here this spring. No snow pack for moisture and little rain. No fire now for 2 or 3 days Mowed first time Sunday. 1st time ever I think Ive mowed and didn't have to clean the deck every 3rd or 4th round. Dry and grass is thin this spring. Looks like temps may be more normal next week. 40's and 50's. Snow forecast for Monday. Ahhhhhh life in the belt.
My family has been spoiled all winter by the considerably warmer inside temps thanks to the new Fireview ! 59F and raining outside - 67F inside - was told it was like an icebox inside the house ... just started a small load of black cherry splits and a few gren compressed wood fuel bricks.
Yup, it was 63 and rainy out side yesterday when I got home wife was like... ummmm honey you want to lite Woodstock I brought some kindling.. hint hint.. so I did and poured her a glass of wine... and that is why I am happily married.. lord knows it wasn't my looks or money Several of her friends at work are getting divorced.. they tell her they are envious of our relationship so I sprung for a girls luncheon and told waiter the bar tab was also on me!
The things in life that can make so much more difference than keeping up with the ..........................
The next couple of nights will be in the 20's. rain to snow mix is on for Monday. OWB is going strong...getting rid of the yard waste with wood also.
56° and looks like we only had a slight rain last night. An 80% chance around 10am. I have some Pine burning in the boiler to heat up the big buffer tank.
54 Don't think I've had a fire all week. A little pain and a lot of Solar gain keeping things comfortable.