My wife has said 2 or 3 times now she would like to have a shirt that says FHC wife. Of course she also says she is going to get a SHC shirt (shoe hoarders club). I think though it would be a good idea for the ladies in our life.
****FHC Wife**** Keep the home fires burning Something like this is what I had in mind but the wife also said she would like it to actually say somewhere Firewood Hoarders Club......I don't know if that is entirely necessary though.
I read your thread title and thought you had lost your mind........... A place to request a wife? ONE is enough for me I tells ya!
For this day and age, I thought I kept it REAL PG rated However, not following the part so much. Must be too dense to pick up what yer layin' down.....
She likes both. Here's her comments, Likes the woman's specific shirts which is what those appear to be Likes the round neck vs the v neck Would like the FHC to have the flames like the coffee cups I'm sure other ladies have opinions on style, just telling you her comments
Unless some wives "Feed" the wood...... Yeah- I didn't see the "song" rhyme in your "th..." But I've never been good at rhymes, riddles, or Sudoku.