30's here, I am guessing around 6" so far and no accumulation today. I feared we would at 1.5' by now but think we are going to get lucky this time!
Not a lot of accumulation here either. Like usual the wind is blowing the snow side ways. It needs to be a little colder before it starts sticking. Wait until tonight.
37° here this morning. Putting a little Pine in the boiler this morning for a short burn. Suppose to go to 71° today! And be sunny! ALL DAY!
Looking at the long term forecast, if you can half count on it. Looks like about 3 weeks and I can move what's left of firewood off the patio which is usually about right. I see a few evening coming where a 10 p.m. fire will feel nice around here. Meanwhile 75º on the way today, 73 yesterday and we found a new ice cream spot........MMMMMMM ice cream.
Still snowing here on and off. Lost power last night around 8:30 PM for a couple of hours. Probably due to the winds. Maybe 5 or 6 inches of snow so far. I have a Stihl MS460 cylinder I need to do a little grinding on before it goes back on but I think I will just stay in the house for now. Temp is probably 28 this morning.
Far out, they enacted the emergency reverse 911 this morning "no unnecessary travel" restriction. Less than a foot of snow, interesting.
You know that snow was so wet yesterday and then I bet it froze on the roads last night and created a night mare of black ice and then it will stay below freezing most of the day today. Not a good time to travel.
It was 74 the last time I looked, about the only work I did today was a good cleaning of the gas grill, we'll have some nice steaks tonight with a hot tomato salad.
Could've used a fire this morning with around freezing temps and frost, but glad we didn't. Damm temps got into the mid 70's today. 75 is about my limit......
70 here today - no fire in two days - wake up to 62 in the house, but sunroom warms inside to about 72 in the afternoon - beautiful! Cheers!
Yup, 83* here in NE OH today...so here we are in mid April, and have already exceeded my personal maximum temperature tolerance, which is about 80* (75* is better) depending on RH %
39 this morning. I'll run Pine in the boiler until it and the buffer tank are up to 190 and then shut it down. I told my wife yesterday that our remaining days of burning are few.
With highs is the upper 70's and lows in the 50's for the next 10 days or so, ID say we are about done for this season. The dog and I are NOT happy about that. I start sweating and he starts panting at about 65°. We don't do summer well.