You seem to be missing some snow........or all of it. Whut da heck? Did that last storm wash it all away? Ours turned into the white stuff.
We got about 8" of that heavy stuff this week. Was in the 40s yesterday and high 50s today. Been really sunny to and today was windy. It just started raining here about 30 mind ago.
More update pics. I'd say I'm about 90% through splitting this oak. while I've been splitting this I also gathered this from the neighbors. but before I slit this ash I need to split the pile of cherry you can see in some of these pics. Also have a few loads at my parents that need to be split and hauled home.
Nice scores there Jeff, looks like you got a bunch more splitting to do  but it looks like you're hacking away at it pretty good
Yep slowly but surely by hand. I'll use my dad's splitter at their house and then I'll borrow it to do that pile of ash. It was a big yard tree 100+ years old so I don't think it'll split as easy as that fresh red oak. Lol
I have some more big Ash rounds to split, and a bunch of Big Oak rounds, I won't be needing the X 25 though just some more gasoline. Real nice out today just got back from the doctor though maybe I'll feel better in a couple of days and get to it
Yeah it's an awesome day down here too Middle upper 60s and sunny. Almost too hot actually. Can't wait to get outta work and do some stuff around the yard tonight. Hope you get to feeling better. Anything serious or just a cold type thing?
Not fun, but not serious, sinus infection and sore throat, got some antibiotics now I'll be okay I think
HD, for sure we are hoping you get better even before that couple of days you mention. It is a shame to not feel good in this weather we are having.
Sounds like the same thing my girl friend was going though. They said hers was sinusitis. She got some antibiotics too and is finally starting to feel better after a few days. Hope you heal up quick.
I may feel better tomorrow, I feel better now than I did this morning and yesterday, at least no more stabing, shooting pain up the side of my head
Some more update pictures. Gotta outta work early today and got some stacking done. 4.5x23ft long. Probably will end up with about 2 cord total. Probably more cause they're cut long. Gonna have to find a new place to stack the rest of this.