On Sunday temps were in the mid 70's and today they struggled to get into the low 40's. Should warm up around here by the middle of May
Sunday I topped off my wood bin with mostly red maple because I have a bunch I really need to use up and it's really not that cold. But Sunday I did something to my back and it hurts to reload the stove. Bend over, walk, eat - all those fun things. With the maple I'm reloading the stove a lot so went and got two wheelbarrows full of red oak and that's what I'm burning. If it gets too hot I'll let the fire go out. At least I'll be filling the stove half as often. Plus red maple fire stinks. Freaking plow hit my mailbox so I have a big dent to take out of that and put back on the pole. 27ºF outside at 3AM and 72 inside, burning red oak and snacking on ibuprofen.
I had 12 on the back porch earlier this morning. About 5. The boiler is cruising along with Pine and Ash.
16 around 7am Fell asleep without a reload last nite. Residual heat off the coal left in furnace. Blower wasn't kicking on. Pane kicked in a few times. Oh well it needs some exercise before summer gets here. Coal and oak blazing now !
18 degrees here at 6am. OWB cruising along. Been running straight through since October. She's burning some nice big splits of ash right now.
4" of snow yesterday, cold this morning 10*. Loaded the OWB with a mix of Red Oak and Black Birch last evening. Will load again this evening probably Maple and B Birch.
I think our high today was about 34. But the sun made it warmer than that, warm enough to make mud where I was working with the 210C. It certainly has been a mild winter. But, just like the last two, it seems to have started later and be hanging on a month later!
43f in Possum Hollow. FEP's in the hastings. Just so everyone knows, I am NOT taking huge contributions to my mayoral campaign from big oil. No matter what Pilsbury says. He DOES plan on redistributing dog poop among all of his possum kin, and for the record, I'm ok with that.
35 outside and 78 inside (sun really warmed the place today along with the fire). Have some beech and elm burning and some hickory on deck for mid 20's tonight.
Easily got 3" already (since 2 hours) of the 3-5 that is forecasted through out the night. If it doesn't quit soon, we will be over the limit on what was predicted!
18 last night burned Hickory with a couple of pieces of Ash mixed in, 36 now going down to 28, burning the same thing tonight cuz that's what's handy
Just about 20° on the back porch this morning. Pine and a nice, big, wide 24" chunk of Ash in the boiler.
How's the back Bill? Unfortunately, the bills won't stop coming if you leave the mailbox in the shop either. I tried that once.