Several days in the 10 day forecast show highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s, will need to bring in more wood, probably a mix of elm and locust. I'm trying to get some honey locust used up that has a punk layer around the outside w a solid heart. The grass in the yard is growing but not much in the pastures. We are dry here, keep missing rains. At least we don't have to contend w axle deep mud this year.
46 here this am with rain and very damp. Nice pine red oak mix burning now to take the chill out of the house. Will burn for 3-4 hours then let it go out.
34 Overcast one minute , clear the next. This has been the week of winds. It hasn't let up. Monster chunk of cherry (I think its been at the bottom of the wood room pile for ever, don't remember where it came from) ,some oak lumber cutoffs and coal.
Snowing. About an inch on the ground. It's April. Right about 30° burning elm, old bank and CC statements, a couple of beech uglies, and Menard's ads. It was really nice having a fire last night though. It's been a couple of weeks.
Horkn I was surprised to wake up this morning to a light covering of snow. Less than half an inch and nothing sticking to the roads. It is also very windy today. Still flurries in the air as of 10:15AM. You have to keep telling yourself, we live in Wisconsin
Here is what it is like right now. It's still snowing too. That's why I'm going to Florida for 11 days in 1 week from today.
It feels like spring is a month ahead this year. Almost all the "old" snow is gone from the yard now and its nice and sunny. The valley bottom back roads are almost snow free so Ill be dusting off the saw soon. I cant wait to get back to processing. There are coals in the stove from last night but I think Ill let it go cold until tonight. Its sunny with highs expected to be 17/63f ! Off to work for a bit then its a day in the sun for me!
It's needed, and well deserved. Work has me burnt out, and I'm needing a recharge. Warm weather, palm trees, drinks, beaches, and pools goes a long way for me.
Roller coaster ride in SE Mass this winter. Although I didn't give burning as much attention as prior years, I'm burning tonight and probably through until wed or Thursday. Old man winter was seen creeping in this morning, staying a few days. Only 4 cords burned this year, 1 cord less than usual. My new schedule beginning last June had a lot to do with it.
I hear ya my friend! It's been in the 60s and 70s the past two days and today it's rainy an 40, looking at 20s again for the over night lows and 4" of snow Monday! Got the wood stove going today, did some running around and got home to a 64° house and that doesn't fly around here! I'm still on chemo and my wife is always cold so we're relaxing comfortably at a toasty 75° right now. I'm still under 3 cords for the season right now, it's been a long time since that happened. I'm usually 5 cords a season but this year has been very mild, still got 3 cords of seasoned and a few cords of red oak for the 17-18 season.
Windy, snowy and typically miserable day here in the old U.P. Got right around 6" of snow, not the wet heavy water laden stuff but actual snow. the temp with the wind is around 5 now but that wind sure takes a slice right through the house!