We are making chicken wings and pizza for the pats game today. I don't even like any of the teams but hey I am always up for good food and football!
Iowa-Minnesota border war scheduled for 12N today. Hoping to get a big breakfast in me and then enjoy some basketball. Any unique breakfast ideas?
Jack, Just finished the last of the Hickory syrup on my waffles, My GOD was that good!….. Chipolti this afternoon for football
I never heard of it before the nuts on this forum started talking about it! Next on my list is rose syrup and rose water. Rose water was only recently usurped by vanilla as the default flavouring for pretty much everything. Wild rose is our state flower, they pop up everywhere in may. Can't wait!
Got the chili all mixed up for tonight. I will put it on the T6 to start simmering about 1. First picture is browning the deer, sausage and Bacon. Second picture is mixing corn, two types of beans, tomatoes, coke, peppers, onion, jalapeños, and seasonings. Third pic is everything combined. Will let it sit until one and then on to simmer! I'm already hungry.
15 degrees out, got the wood cooker going... Cooked up some venison tenderloins from a yearling. 130 degree internal temps seems to be the ticket. Seared both sides for a minute each, then cover down and off to the side to slow cook for 20 minutes... Came out mouth watering tender.. Off the grill to sit covered for 30 minutes. Made some nice venison salads.. Yes the dogs got a few hand outs too...
Cooking chili on the woodstove today.. Gonna be delicious (I hope)! Attached the recipe if interested.. I made a 1/2 batch and no habanero peppers this time.. Will cook all day.. Yummy! Pics to follow.. I was just thinking that venison would be great for this if you have it..
Got them rubbed, went with the KC recipe, brown sugar, paprika, onion powder, chili powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Time to go set up the Weber Bullet
I'm not sure if I have any smokewood..... Not quite up to temp yet, guess I better light the fire. This thing has an ethernet interface. I really should fix the network patch that i used to run out to it. The garage door guy nicked it 5 years ago when we we replaced the doors. It would be nice to be able to monitor temps from the kitchen table on a day like today. Going, 2 chunks of cherry and 2 chunks of red oak. Pretty meaty for babybacks.
Man those ribs look good! I would whip up a batch myself but every time I'm around cooking food it turns my stomach. Still can't shake this influenza.