Well if you decide you wanna play with them. Holar. I think we could get ya some good gains bye winging it!
Lol! I'll think on it a spell, and I appreciate the offer of help too. Right now I'm up to my eyeballs in maple sap. It's going to be a 40 gallon day for me. No big deal to some, but @ around 4 gallons an hour on my evaporator, it makes for a long day.
Yup right in middle of it now. I love the stuff, but I begin to hate the process after awhile. Boiling 30-40 gallons of sap down to 1 gallon of syrup gets a bit old by the time the seasons end rolls around.
Heres a pic of my helpers from when we tapped the trees. And my red neck evaporator made from food service trays and cinder blocks.
You smoking their man I have a couple of those Honeywell fans in my house blowing the cold air to the stove room
I was going to write I have some of tem too. I can't find The "turbo" version anymore. The black ones were made in both versions and I think it's been almost 10 since I saw the turbo white one. But anyway walmart had both. The less powerful one was like $15 and the turbo was like $20-23. The turbo was way stronger of a fan, maybe moved 30% more air and twice as loud. Also said turbo on it. We have a black turbo that we use as a noise maker for my son and to move cool air out of his room. It masks noise while he sleeps. But the bearings are getting loose and we leave it on all the time now cause it's slow to start when it cools and can be loud at first. Also have a cheapie from ALDI we got a year or so ago and it is a good mover...better than the plain honeywell, but motor is not as good. One season moving cool air 24/7 and it does not want to restart. Have to push the blade around for a few mins before it catches. So it stays on now all day when useing it. OK Thas a long story. Not near as boring as if you go on YouTube at watch " fan reviews". Which I can't recall how I stumbled across them one day. Haha
Fan videos Ha Had one honeywell just wouldn't run any more got one of these from HD High Velocity 9 in. Tabletop Fan so far I really think it's a better fan than the honeywells, quieter, runs smoother , I have it on the mantel , it blows hot air across the ceiling and down the hall , so I have cold air coming in stove room on floor, hot air high up going down the hall , works good ,about 3-4 degrees difference at other end of house when it's cold out, fans all run on low
Wow bro slow day in the shop eh? I think I have seen those turbo Honeywells at Menards last summer. Once that starter winding starts going there isn't much you can do for them. We use them for white noise makers at night too. We're comming back into fan season again here I will have to look and see if Man-Nards has them.
So Did ya fire er up yet ? Went out n played with the Poulan yesterday with the 16" bar n chain I got for it , did good with it on there
That's where I get em https://www.menards.com/main/heatin...436655891-c-12727.htm?tid=6506972057017652013
You mean like this one https://www.menards.com/main/heatin...36654694-c-12727.htm?tid=-4252547333210324388
It doesn't say turbo so I am inclines to say that's not the right one. I have bight a few from Walmart and amazon in The last few years that I Thought were the right ones and they were not. The turbo and regular look exactly alike. If I think about it and have time I will take pics of The ones I have
My wife, who sweats in wintertime, thinks these are the bees knees (we have 5 or 6 scattered around the house): Heaters, Fans, Air Circulators, Air Purifiers, Humidifiers, Personal Fans | Vornado.com