Anyone checked out the Canadian Series now on NetFlix called Heartland ? I think there are 6 seasons of shows so once your hooked you got alot of watchin to do. But I think it actually has 9 or 10 seasons and I am sure Netflix will pick up the remaining seasons. If you love horses you will love this show but its also just good family viewing. My top picks for Netflix are as Follows: Heartland Longmire When Calls The Heart The 100 ( Scifi ) Watch a few episodes of each of these and I am sure you will be hooked. It takes a few episodes to build the characters. Its so much better to watch these shows with no commercial interruptions as thats one advantage to Netflix. Some call it "Binge Watching". Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with NetFlix .
I cancelled my cable subscription 2 years ago, just going with Netflix. Over this past winter I added Hulu, you can pay a little extra and not see any commercials on Hulu either. The first order of business was making my wife watch LOST (she had never seen it). The second order of business was her making me watching Breaking Bad (I had never seen it). Now we just pick and choose what looks good and see what we think, there's so much on both "stations" to keep you busy. The worst part is waiting a year for those shows you really like to eventually make it to Netflix. Like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and then as soon as the last season hit we went through it in a week.
Netflix and Amazon Prime are the best things since sliced bread. Check out Orphan Black on Amazon. Tatiana Manslay is one awesome actress.
Some one else was telling me about Hulu I am going to have to check it out also. I have never really been into watching TV Series until Services like these came around. I guess its because I can go back and watch epsiode 1 and watch 2 or 3 episodes at a time or stop in the middle of a episode if needed and it remembers where I left off and the no commercials aspect is great also.
I have Netflix and Amazon Prime. I like Prime because it allows you to download shows and movies to your phone and IPad.
I watch Netflix almost exclusively in the evenings. My que is full of all sorts of things. My favorites have been Family Guy, Top Gear, Married with Children and a whole bunch of PBS documentaries. Finished an excellent PBS series narrated by Ken Burns called "The West" recently and it is an excellent watch. American Genius was another good series from the History Channel. Last night's fare consisted of an ESPN docu called "1985 Bears" which took me back to my youth and reminded me that Walter Payton's talent was truly astonishing. Refrigerator Perry, the Superbowl Shuffle, Mcmahon....good stuff! The style of football played back then wouldn't fly today with all the concussion stuff and light tackling....those guys were pretty rough & tough. 4.5 out of 5 from me and I'm not even a Bears fan! It was hard not to get caught up in it at the time.
That is a funny series. I find myself looking up some of their slang words. We need to use subtitles though.
We have had Netflix, Hulu and and Prime for a couple years, but seldom watch any thing on it. Maybe a couple times a month. My wife "buys" reruns of NCIS, Hawaii 5 0 and Scorpion and plays them over and over and over........... I miss my man cave I could escape to. Now thinking of winterizing the porch so I can get away from the TV.
I'm not sure if it's on Netflix, but I recently caught bits and pieces of an old classic: "Sometimes a Great Notion". It's a movie about a logging family starring Paul Newman and Henry Fonda. I don't watch a lot of TV but I think I'd enjoy that one.