It is as wet as I can remember. Slop everywhere. Under a tornado warning right now. This is outside my shop door. On top of a hill.
Been raining here since tuesday. Poured on and off today, now we're under a severe weather/tornado watch. Winds are nasty out of the SSE. I'm watching this beast in case she decides to come down. Any other wind direction i usually don't worry but SSE she's fallin right on the living room.
Looked like that here 2 months ago. Haven't had much since. Sometimes it's not good to live at the bottom of the hill.
Little better that the leaves are off the trees but the sodden ground doesn't help. Is that ladder stand for practice or what? I would just shoot out the door if they came in that close.
A little different problem here. Branches are really hanging low. Not much snow on porch as wind is from opposite side of house so it blows right over. But then, we only have around 2 1/2-3" so far. 6 more expected tonight but we'll see. I don't think we'll get it. Was 11-12" forecast total. Maybe in some areas but not here.
It hasn't rained here since this morning and I still have a small creek running down the driveway - and I'm at the top of the hill. Hopefully the tornadoes stay to minimum up that way, we lucked out last night
Same here, under a burn-ban now. Lots of grass fires in the area. We did get a little rain/snow last night.
Boy the wind is kickin now! I'd say sustained winds close to 30mph with gust wayy above 50mph. I can feel the pressure change in the house when it gusts.
Same here, tough getting hay out to the cows, tractor just spins and slides, I got a real mess to straighten up, if and when it ever dries up. The clouds cleared out around 3 or so, just windy now. I figure it will uproot more trees so that means more
Power went out a little while ago. Windy here guess a tree? Outage map is showing 1100 without power so they should get it kind of soon.
Torrential downpour last night here, with thunder. Thought it had to be a dream... couldn't be doing this in February... or... it couldn't be February...
Roughly a foot of snow to play with here this morning. 80 miles SW of here they got 5" of snow and a whole lot of ice. I'll be happy with the snow, I HATE ice....................................
Never good to live at the bottom of a hill! Let me tell you about where I live!! Finally had some work done that may have inadvertently diverted ground water away from the house. You would not believe how frequent the sump pump ran!
Very jealous here Rotti. 80% of lawns and fields are bare of snow around here. Lots of water pooling up though. Feast or famine weather... I'm with you, much prefer snow over ice tho. Ice makes my back hurt...
Stinny, we are running outta places to pile it. I've got several piles stacked up to 10' +. It is wet and heavy. Not far away from dealing with shed roofs to be shoveled off.................
Good thing about snow piles that high is you won't need a ladder to get onto the roof! Speaking from experience, right?
Yeah, I know moving that white gold is a pita... or pitbaaaaack... go easy with it. Not one flake on any buildings here. Strange weathah...