I've been eyeing a tree where I hunt for 2 years now and we finally got after it last weekend. ? The leaves came off a nearby tree this last fall I think it is the same, not a good pic of the tree but it is DS with no bark left....I think it's a Kentucky Coffee but would like some input please ?? Thanks !!
I had some that we figured were Kentucky Coffee trees up here. Had a hard time identifying it. They also had no pods. They are also known a dead trees I beleive because they are one of the first to lose their leaves and one of the last to leaf out in the spring. The leaves looked the same as yours as I recall. Gary
Looks right, to me. The male trees don't make the seed pods, so you wouldn't necessarily see them. They're native to our area, Steve, so it's not unusual to find them out in the woods.
The winter, (leafless) silhouette looks right. They usually grow in small groups here and on the same type soil as Eastern Red Cedar. I've never cut any before, for any reason so can't say for sure.
The leaves are definitely coffeetree, that wood you have pictured must be dried already because the coffee I cut down last summer was a salmon/orangish colored heartwood. At any rate, KC is a distant relative of honey locust, IIRC. It's a really good firewood!
Wow That's a chunk of wood there ! You are all right on with you descriptions, I burned some more last night and it is great. Thanks for your help !!
Yes sir it was. It was planted behind what used to be an old Inn along the Juniata River just outside of Tyrone, near the Tyrone Milling feed store.....the 90 yr old homeowner told me he figured it was planted (or at least brought in) by a traveler many years ago. It was a shame to take it down but it was splitting and had to come down. I looked at three others in Altoona that were large but not that big. That's the only 4 I've ever seen around these parts.