Holy chit! Guess I didn't realize the extent of the frost that builds up on the OAK, that's impressive. Suppose this is one of the benefits of those OAKs that pre-heat the air on it's way into the house.
Yeah - I have a real problem with 90*'s leaking and since this is the 3rd stove I've had there in 3 years, I've had to take the connections apart several times - don't even want to think about trying to take it apart if I had used sealant. And, that is a new 90* - not sure it leaked, but wasn't giving it a chance to
It has never been quite that bad before, but this is the coldest I've ever seen. Have had a lot of -18's in the past, and the frost was just slightly better (or at least didn't go nearly as far down the flex pipe as it is this time).
I'm glad everyone stayed warm last night I guess all are research payed off . So I pushed my stove close to the max last night 560 off the center glass and 370 from the top vents , then I lowered the feed rate and backed her off .
Well. If I payed for them Im burning them. I once sat and snapped up penningtons pencil length pellets just so i didnt have to m throw them out
After that discovery on my main floor stove, I wrapped the 45's on the P61, which I had smoke smell at start up from since day one. Most of the smoke smell went away by doing that. Finally got rid of the rest after replacing the door gasket with graphite impregnated material.
I get a small ball of ash in the left/right corner up front in the burn pot but small enough that I am embarassed that I'm even mentioning it so don't read this...
Same here , I just did a quick cleaning and found a golf ball size that wouldn't go through the vac and some smaller pieces . That was after about 4 bags . No big deal an excellent pellet .
Well, the only reason I mentioned it was because I scraped out several - and I only had 2 bags total. I cleaned the stoveFriday night, ran thru what was still in the hopper (Platinum's) and then those started showing up. Okay, I don't think it's a big deal, just strange is all.
I hear ya didn't expect any clinkers . My 2 top pellets are going to be LACRETE and Somerset's .But in all fairness I was running in turbo charge mode
bogieb - looks like lowes in NH is finally at $3.98/bag now, you taking advantage? Suspect HD will follow suit shortly.
Yeah, I got 4 bags of Inferno Golds to try yesterday, wish they would drop price on Green Teams so I could try those too (those are still at old price). Went to HD and they are sticking to their $5.18/bag for price - so far.