In continuous operation since 1834 The Rabbit Hash General Store cought fire at about 9:40 pm this night. It's still to early to tell but it looks as though little, if any thing, will be saved. Please Google Rabbit Hash, Kentucky and Rabbit Hash General Store to learn of its colorful history. And yes, it's wood related, Rabbit Hash is also home to the late Rabbit Hash Iron Works mskets of the great Rabbit Hash Wood Stove.
Sure was/is! Rabbit Hash was as much a state of mind as it was a destination. We elected a dog as mayor.
That's too bad. Those old country stores have enough problems staying afloat with big box stores moving in. I googled mayor of rabb. I didn't even need to finish it and this pulled up. Lucy Lou, not Lucy liu.
Actually Goofy was the first dog elected mayor of Rabbit Hash, Lucy Lou was the second. Mayor Goofy had to be put down making him the first public official in America to be euthanized. It was a trend many of us in the 'Hash' hoped would catch on nationwide!
I don't want to like this for obvious reasons. It's a shame when any piece of American history and local lore is lost to fire.
That is a shame. NH lost a historic shoe peg mill by fire just the other day. It was the last one in the country.
places like that evolve into something that can't be copied. it may be rebuilt, but not replaced. hopefully no one was injured.
It's a shame to see the store gone, i just drove past that store last week while I was out that way for work. Hopefully they will rebuild but it won't be the same.
Sad. I think of the old General store in my hometown of Wading River, NY.... Still there, but no feel left in it
I'm wearing my Rabbit Hash General store shirt right now that Ralphie Boy boy got me for Christmas as my secret santa in honor of a American and Kentucky icon that is no more.
A friend of mine sent me the news the day after. It's a great place to just sit on her bike and people watch. I'm truly sorry to hear the store is gone.