Was able to get some free, heavy duty guarding that was being disposed of. A late engineering change at one of the Big 3 assembly plants, obsoleted this stuff, so I scooped it up. Decided to prop it up against the previous homeowners wood storage posts to get some ideas. Think I will drop some 4x4's in the ground and build an elevated deck and use these for the walls. Not quite sure how I am going to tie it all together. Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Other than the expanded metal, what are the frames made of? Would make a fantastic flooring for the structure. Think of the air flow! Ashwatcher has metal like that in his shed.
Walls are a good idea for sure, but I'm still feeling the deck would be the best use for them. Sure do wish I had about a 1/2 dozen of them I'm anxious to hear other's thoughts.... Backwoods Savage is right about having a surplus of tee's
I had thought about the floor, I just didnt like the fact that the expanded metal is inset about 1 1/2", which would leave the floor with steps all over the place and stacking would be a bear.
I'd definitely find a better solution than tarps to be used to top cover. Tarps suck. They fall apart, shred apart, from UV and wind. Rubber roofing works much better so I hear. So would metal roofing, or shingling a plywood roof like a house.
how about, turn them all long side down and make them the back wall of a 3 sided shed. use skids for a floor,small ends,roof sloping back......just my take
Yeah there will definitely be a roof!! I was thinking about a hip roof with plywood and Condura to cover it.
The 1.5 inch setback is a big problem although they could make a nice floor. Can you fit a pallet into or onto those things? That would fix the problem. Level them with whatever scrap you have available and they could do it. It would make an awesome floor.
My thoughts exactly! The air flow and longevity of that being a floor, if set on blocks, would be great.