See my declaration, cometh true, my young Sir. Roll her forward in log forth and poof, your fire is rolling (and all the fire bugs that live in the heart of the hedge)....
It took a bit to get it going with all those smooth surface and vertical walls. Buts she's finally settled down and rollin'. Will see by morning how it faired....
I have a bunch of 4x6x16 oak chunks that were mill cut offs.(easiest description) I occasionally think about burning them but they make really nice cribbed ends. I'd hate to have to redo the ends of my stacks! Maybe I'll just steal a few.
It's important to have a good coal bed with loads like that. The boss makes me split them smaller now.
Loaded after 23 1/2 hours with a 350 STT. Would've gone longer but wasn't interested in waiting. Tonights load inspired by Chvymn99.
surprised we're not seeing more tonight. Its damm cold here in PA and the midatlantic/east coast, and its gonna stay that way for a while. Tonight was the first time this year i heard the "polar vortex" hype on the news. BS, 10 years ago they called it "cold arctic air".