After the dog's dinner. He never got off daylight savings time and starts crying for food about 3;45, which he thinks if 4:45. SO I feed him, so we have time to go for a walk before it gets dark......don't particularly enjoying walking when the wolves and coyotes are howling, nor do I like dealing with his reaction to same...
Maybe on a treadmill I'm not even walking out to the stacks tonite, nor any nite up til Monday or Tuesday... My wife is doing that for us! Get the fire going after work with Pecan/Hickory mix, ova night with BL.... Saving up some nice (but sparse) White oak for Saturday nite when it bottoms out at 3F.....
We have a relatively new Provincial holiday called Family Day here in Ontario on Monday. The intentions of the Family Day weekend are to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. Incentives include license free (ice) fishing, permit free snowmobile trail pass, outdoor skating, ski hill discounts etc, However, same as last years Family Day weekend is going to have the coldest temperatures of the entire winter. Not as bad as last year when the mercury bottomed out at -40 F, but still not weather I care to be spending any great amount of time out doors in when it hits -22 F Stay warm this weekend friends
So do private businesses buy into this or is all that stuff run by the "crown or province" or whatever you call it up there?
provincial holiday probably means the province is involved. that means it would be a government holiday.just my guess ,let me know if i am wrong
I got that but if a ski slope is privately owned how can the government give discounts? I just assume they go along and give them....similar to 4th July sales. Gov dont make the stores have a sale they just do. Snow mobile and fishing I can see are provincial controlled.
Loaded stove with some white, red oak. A big locust half round (about half an 8") and some black walnut to fill the voids.
Got down to 11 deg this morning , Last night I employed big split technology , mostly red oak and some hickory. Woke up and house was at 73.
You have it right. Rinks and the odd ski hill are municipal run. The private ones are not mandated to offer discounts but some choose to get on board just like your 4th of July analogy.
Been a great winter so far....compared to the last two anyways. This weekend is an anomaly this year. Last year we had over 60 days straight where the mercury never got above freezing. That is not normal for these parts The real feel temperature here this morning is -12 F