If the blower is on high it is pulling more heat from the firebox which would lower your exhaust temp and the esp would respond by pumping more pellets into the firepot.Just a theory.
Ok just took stock of my pellets . 5 bags Blazer , 5 LaCrete , 4 Somerset and 1 Olympus . I plan on making a trip this weekend to restock I figure 15 bags of LaCrete for the short term .
Your stash is lookin a little thin.Eastern Ice had some Lacrete's a while ago.Pellets Direct has them for $279 a ton which is a great price.
Will be using the Lacrete -- BUT Truthfully I would rather be using a lessor pellet and have warmer outside air temps. These 30 - 40 degree days this winter has me spoiled and happy. No real interest in pushing the stove because I have no real interest in low temps.
I made have confused things myself . I have a Quad CB1200 and it has low , med , high with 2 blower speeds for each setting , so it will feed more pellets at each . But I can work with that also by opening or closing the feed gate and with the swing setting so it can't reach it's goal thermostat temperature and will keep running . Anyway that's how I work mine .
with a Harman some of us call that "renegade mode' where as we lower the pellet feed rate to a low point where it cannot catch up thus keeping the blower running constant. using the feed rate as a "Govenor.'.. works good during shoulder season when u don't want stove shuting off but just keeping a steady low flow of heat. [ Harmans have a room/manual mode where the stove[when it reach set temp] will not shut down but will simmer in maint mode feeding pellets now/then to keep flame alive.. sounds good but the distribution blower shuts off and all that time heat is going up the exhaust and outside.. prefer every bit of heat blowing into the house.
As someone posted, If the blower is on high it is pulling more heat from the firebox which would lower your exhaust temp and the esp would respond by pumping more pellets into the firepot.
Interesting how we all work with our stove's and the outside temperatures . I also heat from the basement which makes it more of a challenge . Downstairs 74 - 76 Upstairs 71 - 73
Those overstocks are rapidly disappearing down here and many of those overstocks my be junk from water damage Russell , I would just keep buying I picked up another 15 bags of FSU's today
No overstock in this area. HD just got a truck in yesterday -- 14 ton left at 259 TSC has maybe 70 pallets in stock Lowes is the outlier -- They have perhaps 250 skids that I can see in the garden barn. It is and has been under cover all winter. They did lower the price a few weeks ago to 259 but I think it will take another discount to move the stock. They have weak quality pellets.
I got the sickness bad too...so does Will...lol I absolutely don't "need" pellets because I'm well stocked buy I keep buying them! Oh yeah, tt has it pretty good too
People spoke with their pocketbooks.....pellets really weren't moving until HD lowered their price. I can't believe how much they're selling now.
The way heating fuels are dropping makes me want to burn more -- More pellets - More LP - soon more oil. Burn baby burn - be warm - oh he!! be HOT. Then buy some more just cause it is so cheap. Glug Glug WHEW --- A quick double of mash brought me back to my senses.
I 'm not sure what you mean by mess IF it's price I expect them to be the same as last year $260 - $300+ / ton depending upon brand $ 199 / ton no way we see that any time soon If you mean mess because of supply / shortage that I get , those that over bought [ meaning dealers ] this year will knee jerk and under buy this coming season leaving some consumers scrambling for product just my opinion .