Props on getting the wife to pick up the measuring cup for you. I'm gonna try that. 4 oz. per bag is roughly the same here w/ the LGs, glad the EasyBlaze SYP are burning well for you.
Well the Harman is eating what's left of the Olympus pellets and WOW what a great pellet! Five Stars!
Some cold days are coming . Are you excited about using your turbo pellets and running your stove on high ? I am !
have about 15 blazers, 2 Okie Plats, and 5 Okie firs saved apart from my reg stash..prob brush all the ash in my stove down to the ashpan tonite so I can get better idea of how they do in the low ash dept.... never had my blower on highest speed before.. always thought I would use more pellets that way.. maybe tonight.
What I do is close off the feed gate to maybe 3/4 or less so you get the high blower speed but don't go through pellets as quick .
since the stove was in shut-down mode this afternoon, i opted to clean it to switch back to EB SYP's for the upcoming -10 weather predicted for this weekend. (prolly won't be anywhere as low as the predictions - just to get the rating s up) still have a load of hardwood blackstones in the hopper, as well as a near full bag open, but after that i'll make the switch. i want to see how the SYP clings (or better yet - doesn't cling) to the side of the hopper on cold weather burns. i measured the ash from 11 bags of Blackstones and got 80 ounces by volume, or about 7.25 ounces per bag. pretty typical hardwood.
Me either low works just fine for me and it's quieter too , but every ones situation is different size of area trying to heat , windows insulation ,stove location ......
My blowers are always on high - but then again I am running in Room temp / auto. If I switch the P43 to Manual/auto, I'll probably turn fan to medium and see how that does. Totally depends on how cold the bedroom gets - never had a stove where the air stream is pointed straight at the bedroom, so don't know if I'll need to change mode or not.
Tully, I'm having trouble connecting the blower speed to pellet usage. I don't see where it would make any difference.
After this cold snap passes we have daytime temps forecast in the 40s for the foreseeable future. I like it.