Saw this today on the web. Seldom to I think that I want to go back to my youth to do it over again, but this did make me think about how much fun this would have been. I bet there are kids that would give up on their smart phones and video games to have a change to jump on this!
looks like great time.. my front yard has a 12% grade 150 foot pieces of plastic and dollar store soap is good times!
Looks like a lot of fun......but at my age I'm sure it would be the "Kiss of Death" Like Clint Eastwood said "A mans gotta know his limitations"
No one ever said there was an age limit to having this kind of fun. If I had the opportunity, I would. I'm but 5 years younger than than you.
Yes, and I would encourage anyone to do as much as they can while they can. I get about with a cane, and sometimes a walker. Bad fall two years back that changed my life style. Just the way things are.
I understand! With me, I've endured a broken back first with a single back surgery, then a double back surgery, which ultimately gave me the use of about 25% of my legs. I graduated from the walker to canes, and now only use them in the house if it becomes necessary and usually first thing in the morning (need to adjust my equilibrium). I also have both rotator cuffs torn in need of surgery which I refuse. And I have about 75% use of my left arm. The quacks err doctors say I'm about 65 to 70% disabled. I say I'm 30 to 35% enabled. And no, I'm not living off of any of the government crap. I have a little nest egg that I've been living off the interest, and refuse any help from them! I refuse to be under the governments thumb! One would think I would take it easy, or crawl under a rock and let the world pass me by, but, like the energizer bunny, I keep going and going and going. So it takes me a bit longer to get things done, but I do it. If an opportunity to go down a slide like that would present itself, personally, I would take it. I don't pass on having fun or getting the next adrenaline rush. Life's to short not to enjoy the things you love doing (Felling trees, limbing, bucking, splitting and stacking firewood. Riding my little Harley. Driving my truck w/5 speed standard. Making repairs to my home and doing the maintenance. Plus enjoying my hobbies which I have many.)
That looks like fun!! Not only that but they walk back up the hill and not ride. I really like waterslide parks.