Not a real tight pack but good enough, notice the kindling sticks in the front, helps everything get going quicker Packed a little tighter
Load in the 30-NC tonight. Not real cold here tonight. So loose packed, not stacked to the tubes, and smaller stuff.
Good heat? 10-12 hrs. But I only burn in the evenings now. So tomorrow when I get home 3pm-5pm? I can relight on coals from tonight. Seems impossible, but I've been doing it for almost 2 years now (last year I didn't do any morning loads either). I used to load before work. But the pellet furnace doesn't need much help with the solar gain during the day (lots of South facing windows).
dang that's probably going to burn two days in that Stove, in this weather. Me burnin small loads, cherry, but no smoke signals, Ugg!!
Game Of Tetris.... This has got ash on the up front with a couple pieces of oak mixed in. But in the back right is a log of Hedge laying east/west. That will be my hot coals for morning.
Daht da_da Daaaaaah!!!!! And Chvymn99 Proclaimed with a loud voice: "A Log Of Hedge shall be lain Eastward to Westward, to provide Hot coals Upon the coming of the Morn!"
... Hopefully I'm a bit more handsome than that ground squirrel that they pulled out of the tree stump yesterday morning....over there yonder in Pennsylvania area...