Anyone ID these trees by bark alone? They are on the river on the place I cut wood. Never paid much attention to them as I mainly cut oaks and pecan but, the owner has said he wants them gone as they are on the fence line and if they fall will take the fences out. Would hate to cut them and push into a burn pile . Any help on ID and if they are worth working into firewood? Second pic maybe a Hackberry?
I'm sorry, I have no idea what kind of trees even grow down there. I'll stand by and let someone else educate me/you.
The second one looks like Hackberry, which is distinctive and nothing else looks quite like it. It is hard to say what the first tree is. It is apparently young, and many trees have similar, smooth bark when they are young. I don't know much about Hackberry as firewood.
Have you been watching gorey horror movies? Seriously though, that is the best way to figure out out. Or find some leaves.
You do have both blue and American beech in tx....I wasn't aware you had beech. Texas A&M Forest Service - Trees of Texas - List of Trees I'm saying beech. If so, is better wood than any oak, even white oak, and it dries fast. Get it!
I'll end up cutting them down but it may be a while. I have lots of farm work and many cords of pecan wood to cut up. Most of the trees will get cut as time allows as the farm work comes first. I have to get my firewood work in as time allows