We need to know a lot more more about this cabin : Are there deer near it ? Do you allow hunting ? How long can we stay and hunt and hang out ? Do you have it stocked with food and beer ? I prefer Coors Light or Bud Light
Welcome to the club, Spencer! Glad you found us. I think you gonna fit in just fine here Looks like you have the vertical method down , now about that milk crate... paging Backwoods Savage , Spencer missed your primer on vertical splitting...
Spencer Welcome to the land of BTU's. Always nice to see pictures of people's cutting adventures. Is that a portable bandsaw mill?
Welcome Spencer. It looks like you got it going on, man! John Deere tractor, Stihl chainsaw, Woodmizer mill, wow!! Plus, the dog is good looking. Enjoy the good nature fun here.
Welcome! Another hoosier here! I live in Indy, and have a camper/weekend hangout North of Spencer. I love the So. IN hills and hollers! Very nice toys....errrrrrrr I mean tools.
Im a bud light guy so we could def work that out. Not many deer on my place, but if you want to help me do some plumbing you can def stay and "hang out"!
Welcome to the forum Spencer That is a nice oak even if a bit odd shaped. I like the mill for sure and I, like others, also see you split wood the right way. Good that you are getting ahead on the wood piles and yes, this winter is a good time to do that. Around here we promote the 3 year plan and it works wonders. Good luck.
That oak had some fairly large buttress roots on it as it was growing on a hillside. The truck it straight so there will be plenty off wood to come off the mill. Lol I don't know what all this milk crate stuff is about, but I bought a vertical/horizontal splitter so that I can split either way. I don't think in the 5 yrs I have had it that I have ever used it horizontal.
You'll find the guys like to chide me about sitting on a milk crate while splitting. You can see that in my avatar. It is all in good fun. We also bat back and forth about vertical (God's way of splitting wood) vs horizontal splitting (for those who don't know better)! But all in good fun.
Heres a good picture of me pulling out some firewood with the tractor. I was skidding out a maple log on the back and had a couple rounds in the bucket.
Its 24 engine HP, 18 at the PTO. I have the backhoe for it and it works good for how small it is. It was worth the extra cash to get it.
Thanks Spencer as we are considering buying something like that. Not sure which brand though. JD, Kubota, etc.