Once again, my New Years resolution is to get a well running Silvey round ground grinder with a reversible motor and a work light. If any of you kind people need money to pay for Christmas, or have a spare machine that needs a good home, please send me some photos and we can talk. I have 6 saws, a 30" Alaskan mill and well over 50 chains that have digested mostly red oak, hickory and locust containing chain link fence, nails, civil war bullets, steel poles, spikes and I'm done with hours of filing. I have 40 years of sawing and love that part of the job - but not the filing. Thanks for listening and I hope to hear from someone who has a nice unit for sale. Anyone - Buehler - anyone? Stuart Herder Alexandria, Virginia
Well one just sold on Flea Bay last week. Not cheap. Used Silvey 510 chainsaw chain grinder No you cannot buy mine. I am working with a friend to convert a cheap Tecomec clone into a Silvey style vice though. PM me if interested.
I saw that Silvey 510 listing and I was stunned that the seller knew very little about the machine and didn't accept returns and that it sold for over $900. My Bell K245 runs like a top and I'll keep looking for a good Silvey, but not on Evilbay. I'm going a step lower and just searching all the local classifieds I can and being patient. Seems like Silvey's sell for either a little or sell for a lot and my one drop of Scottish blood makes me choose the former. Good luck with your tinkering job - I've noticed that is a common thread among most of the folks who post on this site!
Well if you are interested, we are working on this. Just got the vice back yesterday and we are tweeking it. Here is a glimpse. The cheap cam lock is gone, the rails replaced by precision shimmed rails with .002" clearance and a Silvey style pawl.
No worries and I appreciate the heads up. The way I see it, Square Grind is for the real loggers and Round Ground is for guys like me who saw through trees containing rocks, chain link fence, pipe, nails, bullets... In my search for a Silvey 300 or 500 series grinder, I have met the nicest people - heck - everyone in the FHC has been awesome !! The search continues...