Just a few that I stack the other pellets on, the NEWP are my "vapor barrier" to the good pellets...lol
Unfortunately I've gatta burn them...they were $270/ton. Would like to know if there are any other Southern NH folks here and what they burn/do they like/where bought/price paid...
That sucks ,for another $30 you could get LeCrete's or some other softwoods that will burn clean and Hot , member gbreda is in the lakes region ,he can help hook you up .
bogie how do you mix your pellets? Meaning do you put a bag of each brand in a big bin and mix them up evenly with a big spoon or something like that before dumping them in the hopper, or do you dump different bags right in the hopper and let the natural feed mechanism mix them together on their way to the burnpot?
I have a trash can that I pour my pellets into and use the handle of a hockey stick to stir the pellets so the fines drop to the bottom . Or to blend pellets .
I'm in the Manchester area...quite a ways from the lakes region. I know the northerners have access to better pellets than I do...they just wont truck down to me. Before the NEWPs last/this year I was burning Ganules LG...very low ash, but not the heat they advertise. When it was time to buy in the early fall WoodPellets.com wanted something like $320/ton...just looked now and they are $289/ton with only $10 shipping...guessing their price gouging left them with excess supply
Maximus, you are about an hour away from McManus fuels - the La Cretes are a definite step up from LGs - the Olympus DF are like "Rocket fuel" .. That said, picking up some LGs @ DeMars Garden Center, or having them delivered, would be a big improvement over the NEWPs .. re: Price Gouging - I think you are going to find that -any- pellet brand in the "Super Premium" class is going to range from $285 - $320 (+) in our area, due to transportation costs. Hope the info helps.
I'll have to look them up... My knock on the above post was more directed at the supplier...they stress the best prices are pre-season...I've been "burned" (forgive the pun) on a couple occations from them. I understand the economics of our area...just not a fan of the pricing games...because, as you know, every year there isn't "enough" supply to meet demand... Just venting...dealing with the propane suppliers is no better...
It's cool, and read in that spirit - I have also observed the same from that vendor last season.. And it's frustrating, to say the least. No 'games' @ McManus - I can say with confidence you will be pleased, if you decide to give them the opportunity to earn your business.