Pulled a couple trailer loads home this weekend. Had two of my three sons out helping so, it went fairly quickly. This is my 13 yr old in front. He likes to be the "mechanic", he's not bad at it either. He's taken an interest in saws and is learning the ins and outs of them. Oldest son, (18) is in the back running the splitter. He doesn't mind the wood work but, like all 18 yr olds, he's got something better he'd rather do. We filled the trailer Saturday And went back for another load today. Had nice weather this weekend, although it was a bit warm today. How can ya complain though when you have your kids out enjoying a couple days in the woods
Nice work! Even one extra set of hands really helps for processing firewood. 2 extra guys? Heck yeah, that makes it fun and easy. How much do you think you got per trailer load cord wise?
Not sure, usually doesn't stay around the house long enough to stack. I'd guess close to a cord per trailer. Most times when I bring it home my neighbors (older family or people who I've known for all my life) ask for wood and they get it! They can't do it any longer and I can always get more. Hope their kids/grand kids do the same for me when I'm their age!
Great Dave. This reminds me when our two sons were teenagers. Now even their children are past their teens! Time passes fast, so make the most of it and enjoy the time with those boys. We still laugh though and was recently talking about one time our eldest sort of got a lazy streak going and liked to say he couldn't do this or that or even lift a heavy log. So I simply started telling him it was okay because his mother could handle it. Didn't take too many times of this and he quit bellyaching and went to work. He told me recently how that really used to pee him off. Well, it was intended to and it worked. Got him over it and he was better off then. Of course I could have beat him into submission or just made him do things bit this way worked very well.
Nice work with the boys. Always nice to keep them busy. I have my 7 and 4 year old help me from time to time. After the finish I take them to toys r us. I like to show them that when you work Hard you get something in return..
My wife is saying she's going to help me out with wood hauling/ cutting this weekend. I'm not holding my breath, but I'll gladly take the help if she goes though with it. While I like the solitude of working by myself in the woods, I appreciate it when I don't need to do all the work.
That's pretty cool Dave. I try to run my splitter when my son is out of school on the weekends. He likes to get out there with me and work the control. And help load the truck up. If it ain't hunting its working up firewood, he loves the outdoors as much as I do, its always better if you can get your kids involved.
Horkn you are right. I too love the solitude especially in the woods but those times when my wife helps are precious for sure. Enjoy it and never forget to stop and smell the roses.
It's exactly how I got involved in it as well. Cutting wood with my grandpa, and burning last years wood in the fireplace! How does it get any better?
Dave70, Nice photos. Thanks for the post. Your boys are doing just fine. The 18 year old, is just "strutting his stuff". Backwoods Savage and Horkn, great comments and story. Like I have said in the past with kids, "more is caught than taught."