I don't think it poison ivy. It looks different and the rash I got from it was different. It still itches even now that the rash is gone. I cut up a tree two weeks ago that had this stuff on it. I tried not to touch it since I though it was poisonous but got it anyway.
My first thought when I saw the pic was poison ivy. I'm not sure it is PI, but I'm very suspicious. As a rule I don't get PI, but I would sure be careful how much sawdust from that vine I blew on my clothes w the saw.
The poison ivy we have around here never climbs up anything. Ours is a low growing plant, not even shrub height. However ask the pictures of the vines with leaves, have the exact same leaves as ours.
I know it used to not bother me either, but as you grow older, you tend to gain allergies. I've not intentionally rolled in it like I have in the past, but I know it's grazed my legs or feet recently and had no affect.
Watch out for PI smoke! Unknowingly had some in my outdoor wood boiler, got some smoke on my neck & chin while reloading. Not pretty!
100% poison ivy I used to not get it either, I cut a vine about 5 years ago about that size and got it for the first time. I've had it twice since, two winters ago and I have it right now. Both from the same tree
I am not terribly allergic to it but, usually have a small spot or two on me year round. Dang sure try to avoid it at all costs but, sometimes there's no choice. Hate that stuff!
You should see the grape vines I have climbing in the trees. I have one that grew up in a hemlock tree and has grown to the top of it. The base is very thick. The birds love it.
It never bothered me either until I weed wacked a bunch of it (not knowing it was in the flower beds) and then put new string in trimmer. Now I get it every single time I come into contact with it.
When it gets like that I've always heard it called "Poison Oak." Not sure if it's the same as Poison Ivy or not. But, the effects are the same. And, absolutely don't burn the stuff. It can choke you.
That is definitely Poison Ivy. Key features that identify it include the numerous rootlets on the large main trunk of the vine, giving it a hairy appearance, plus the large horizontal branches that extend from the vine. I don't know of another vine with these characteristics, at least not in the US. I also see the bare stems where the small, white berries appeared, although it looks like the birds have eaten all the berries from this one. This is a big Poison Ivy, but not out of the normal range of size. I believe Poison Oak is a western plant, and currently taxonomists consider all eastern plants to be the same species - Poison Ivy-, even though in some locations they grow like shrubs and others they are vines, and in some places they seem to be mainly a ground cover. I also think the taxonomy has changed a few times. It doesn't make a difference in the rash I get, so I don't worry too much about it. Poison Sumac is another plant entirely, and rare enough that I have never seen a wild Poison Sumac.
I don't burn it, I cut it off and tossed it. I get poison but it seems to be itching longer than normal. The vine was a lot bigger and looked different than what I normally see so I thought maybe it was poison oak. Since there were no leaves I couldn't tell for sure. Thanks
Don't know why but poison ivy always seem to just grow in fence rows or along the sides of fields , roads or streams. I've never seen it in the middle of the woods or middle of the yard. I seems like it is always near the edge of an area that has been mowed or trimmed.