The nice thing about it was they also replaced all the brake lines and lower control arms.I am concerned with the diff leaking so I coated it with a metal protector.I hope it works.
Shortest commute I've had since 1988. Have worked in several places in the state that were 5-10 miles farther in distance (and added time). And, worked in MA for 1.5 years with a 75 minute commute in the morning (left home at 5 AM to avoid traffic). Evening commute was always longer because of traffic.
Back on topic... Sets, Sets, my kingdom for some Sets. Scored 4 tons last year at TSC and hands down, the best I have ever burned. Cracking open some Blazers I bought over the summer and hope they are indeed talked up to be what everyone has been saying about them. Need a massive restock and will make the rounds to be in position to cherry pick the best piles around me when the prices buckle next month. Don't forget, we're eight weeks from the Ides of March tomorrow, and the bricks and mortar need room for all that lovely planting stuff!
Ok seeing prices are starting to fall at HD I'm willing to give a couple of brands one more try just as an experiment . Has anyone tried Big Heat ?
Be careful buying quantity with those. I don't think they are consistent with what goes into the bags.
I hear ya Steve . The end result after using real Premium pellets I just can't buy from the Big box stores anymore.
Guess who had the day off, decided to take a ride (in the truck, not on the bike ), and conquered her aversion to that town (which shall not be named)? Yep, this girl did! Was going to pick up 15-20 bags of the Platinum Pellets, but he had a partial pallet with 27 bags on it. Decided to take them all so he wouldn't have 7 bags sitting there. Okay, and, because it felt right. Then got 2 bags of Olympus Douglas Firs on top. Be saving those for a really cold night!
Henry was a really nice guy and kept thanking me for traveling all the way to buy some of his offerings. Too bad Dan wasn't there, maybe next time.
The Platinums are on sale for $5/bag - reason it was worth it to me even with the $12-14 in gas. Don't know how much longer it will be on though. Check his website or call first. The Olympus are $7/bag
Good score I'd be surprised if you didn't really like those Platinum's..I know you'll LOVE those Olympus!!!
Yeah... sorry I missed you, I was there in the morning... Glad you got some Platinums... great price for those! Next time... I'll treat to coffee at Calef's down the road. Old time country General Store... Pretty neat place.. NH Made Gifts and Products - Calef's Country Store Dan
Really curious to hear your thoughts on those platinums. Think you said your glass gets dirty quick with the FSUs. My glass stays clean longer with the vanderhoof platinums than most other pellets, interested to know if your experience is similar with them.
Funny thing about the FSU's - the glass on my former Hastings got dirty quickly (even with new door gasket), as does the P61a (new gasket a month ago). However, the P43 glass stays pretty clean with FSU's and is on the same venting system as the Hastings was - so the set up had nothing to do with it. Weird how different stoves react differently to the same pellets. I get more hazing from the Pres-to's on the P43 than with the FSU's too. I will be putting the Platinum's in the P61a, so will definitely see if there is a difference.
btw: Nations Choice and Stove chows at my HD are Still down to 199.00 ton from 259.00 [269.00 back in the fall].... Stove Chow Premium Wood Pellet Fuel 40 lb. Bag-Stove Chow - The Home Depot