Just realized I got a tip that may help somebody someday. I use mostly yamabond 4 on my cylinder work, but have never been able to get the big tube to last very long as it dries and kind of scabs over and then a lot of the tube dries out. No biggie but us cheapassumbeaches don't like spendin $8 on a tube when we throw most of it out due to dry out....anyway the last few times I used the Yamabond I just gooped a load of Vaseline over the tip and it "sealed" well enough to just rag wipe it off and squeeze a blob off on a towel, get to the stuff that hasn't been "contaminated" by the Vaseline and go to work... post yer "shop tips" here:
thats a good question, though i dont seem to have quite the same problem with the rtv, you just have to deal with the turd that dries up in the tip.
You must use more than I. Once I get that hard tip. I get another use or so and then there is so much hard that I cant do anything with the rest of the tube.
I was literally so hard I coundnt laugh anymore after I read it the second time...just after I posted my previous comment.
Equal parts : Acetone ATF Kerosene(or diesel ) Real good, cheap holt loosener. Mix enough to soak the whole part in, filter out the rust/crud and re-use.
whats the diferent between RTV and Yamabond , hondabond, kawasakibond, ferraribond , aerospacebond, loctitebond, dirkobond, bull......bond ????
i think a lot of those are "anaerobic"sealers, only properly curing in the absence of oxygen. ive used loads of RTV but never used it on a chainsaw cylinder. Gas eats RTV, so over the long term its not really suitable for a sealing cylinder bases, though i do know there are people who claim to use it with no problems....
All goop is not created equal. Some are only oil resistant, many not even that. Even fewer are both oil and fuel resistant. Some tolerate high heat, others not so much. But if you are looking for something that stains your clothing and fingers better than anything else out there, Dirko HT is hands-down the best I've seen. Stuff is super sticky and bright red, winds up on my pants/shirt/hat etc. every stinkin' time I think about using it. Oh yeah, it's fuel and oil resistant and stands up to heat pretty decent too.