This tub of mulberry has been sitting next to the stove for a month as it was measuring about 22% MC when I split it up. I expect it should be ready to go on Christmas morning (forecast high of 45 - yep, I will be burning).
We will be burning up a storm, the weather network is forecasting -28 C (about -20 F) for Christmas morning. The go to wood is poplar and pine, because we don't have much else locally.
The wood I will burn on Christmas is whatever is next in line off of the wood pile. As long as it's dry, I don't care what it is.
It is supposed to be pushing 70 here on Christmas AND I will be visiting family in Pennsylvania so I will not be burning anything. If I were here and it was cold enough I would be burning a combination of white pine and red oak along with wrapping paper.
Good Idea! I think I'll plug in my fake fireplace that also has a built in heater that can be left off. (43" tall, 53" wide, 18" deep)
Not all fruitcake, but when made moist, with good ingredients and without the citron, it can be pretty good. It is a once a year kind of thing for me like pumpkin pie and cranberry jello ring, etc.
It's been raining off and on here for a couple days and tomorrow looks to be the same. I've kept a small fire of hemlock and ash going just to keep the dampness down but with the forecast high of 70F tomorrow, I'll have to let it burn out overnight tonight.
This crazy weather has me a bit pizzed's supposed to be almost 70° tomorrow!! Not sure we're even going to have a fire at all both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!! GRRRRRRRRR!!!
House will be full of guest tomorrow evening. Can't run the stove at all. Just the body heat of 20 people will keep the place warm enough. Lots of food and fun anticipated.
I will be burning some charcoal to cook a rib roast and that seems about it. Some Oak or Cherry chunks added.
I'll take it back...I'm gonna be cooking fish on Christmas Eve and the wife said we will have a fire in the fire pit, so.....oak or pecan!