Throwing the windows open and air out the house, high 60's and close to 70 is May weather here. We'll take it and tell our grandkids the story!
Some say its a waste of heat but I actually enjoy opening the windows when the house gets to hot. Fresh air is nice. On the news today they said 80% of BC is covered in snow but El Nino is expected to rear its ugly head in January. I guess we will see. Thats pretty warm for outside NH mountain man!
We're ya gonna let me know you're stopping by? Or you been PM-ing my wife in my stead? Hope you have safe travels and a Merry Christmas, ol' friend
Now that's American right there! I really have a deeply thankful and warm place in my heart for this incredible forum! You guys are all the best, the cream of the crop! (You thought I was gonna go on some epic tear of taggings eh, MasterMech ) (jus kiddin) What do they say on the Burger King commercials from back in the not so distant day? "I love this place!"
It's supposed to rain here Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so regardless of the temperature outside, it will be the temperature inside I'll be paying attention to. If it feels cold, I'll make a fire or two or three. If I do, I pulled 4 splits of Cherry from next years stash for the occasion. From the looks of it, there will also be rain for New Years Eve as well.
As everyone has stated probably wont burn anything. Maybe a split or two for the wife and I to enjoy in the morning but I doubt it. Hopefully giving the flue a cleaning with my new sooteater I just got!
No, ole buddy, she puts up with you...we prob won't have time for side visits this trip but of course will stop in your fair town or Ft. Chiswell for fuel-what is a gallon of petrol there now? 1.85 here, but we get hosed.
I haven't started a single fire yet, and the extended forecast stays in the mid 50's for the next 10 days. The crappy part is I'm off work from the 24th through the 3rd, and it's supposed to rain just about the entire time. I was really hoping to split and stack the 3 cords of wood that I've got laying on the ground bucked up during that time!
Temps are suppose to keep dropping all week. Probably break out some mulberry for Christmas. Possibly snow for Christmas so I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes ... so I'm seeing double I'm seeing double now.
Around here we ice fish this time of year but your avatar got me thinking there might be some good fishing for you on your days off.
nothing inside, supposed to be above 65 here, but have some well seasoned ash for the outside first i keep on the deck