Well, it started life as a J-Red 2253. I bought a new Jonsered 2253 off of Terry Landrum and was excited to get it. I really wanted the 550xp, but he didn't have Husq (he does now ). So I settled for the J-Red. Which is the exact same saw, but in red and black. I made a post about how I wish I had gotten the 550xp (I know it's just a color), and a member PM'd me and asked if I wanted to trade my New (Never fueled or in wood) for his New (never in wood) Husq 550xp!! Of course I wanted to trade. Having dealt with this member before, I knew it would be a flawless transaction. Here it is today. Just arrived via UPS. Can't be happier! Thank you Jchin! I hope you enjoy the 2253! Pics to prove it happened! ! Looking forward to the spring GTG at Swags. The 50cc Class Can't races will be a blast! This pic here may make the saw feel uncomfortable, but it shouldn't. It's got a good home and a brother on the way (Husq 55 Rancher). That and I can't stop taking pics of the FHC logo Swags made me. Your a good man who read me like a book! Good call bro!
Plenty warm down here. Close to 80° downstairs and 73°-74° upstairs. (78.8° according to thermo on right and 12° outside)
Here is the Jones red just before I packed it up to ship. Only difference is the straight wrap handle on the J-Red and angled wrap handle on Husq.
Yeah. But I saved a lot over a 261cm. I don't know what MasterMech paid for his 261, but I would bet I paid less and mine had a $30 shipping charge (no cost). Plus, we are having a GTG and I don't want to run the same saw against MasterMech. I want it to be a duel. And I vowed to not be a Close minded Still only guy. I want to have an eclectic collection So I have a 2nd Husq on the way. It's a very clean, very low hr saw. That I got for a You Suck price! Here is a pic of the beast that's on its way!
I doubt it. . How much you wanna bet? How about a loop of slightly used RSLK? (33RSLK-72). Whatcha got?
$475 (shipped to my door, or $450 for saw/$25 shipping). Black Friday Special from Terry. STIHL's MSRP of $559 (w/ 16") . I recall a PM or a thread where I asked what you paid for it (when I was buying a 50cc)?
I hope you bought Terry dinner 'cause you stole his lunch. I paid $464.00 plus local sales tax for my MS261C-M which the MSRP was $609.95. (Dex, your MSRP on the 261-16" was for a non-M version). My saw had an 18" on it on the shelf, I swapped it down to a 16". The only way I could have done "better" is if my dealer had stocked it with a 16" (which they do not) and if they were an "elite" (Stihl exclusive) dealer which they are not and stock Husqvarna as well. Or if I had scored the saw below cost. So, my total on the saw was $501.70. Your chain will be outbound on Mon.