So, I called the kid who came and helped get rid of the old car I had, who said he cut wood. He's going to bring 2/3 cord of mostly Ash, with maybe a little Beech thrown in. I asked if he'd just do rounds instead of splits.......of course he can, but my other guy can't/won't. I'll split it. If this works out well, I'll get some more. Didn't happen yet, so no pics, but.........they're coming soon. Possibly tomorrow or Saturday.
I wish. Price he quoted me was $50 per 1/3 cord. Since he doesn't have to split, Ill ask for a little discount. Most around here are now selling for about $70 1/3 cord.
Agreed Dennis. 3-4 guys in the paper and all are the same. I just happened across this kid. I'm hoping for a good result.
Its around $80 a face here. That's for mixed wood, box elder at best, with poplar, basswood, and other not so great wood. Not gooder stuff like ash and beech.
You're really likin' that new "smiley", eh Dave? Yep, I need to see if he does what he says he does. Last guy didn't.
Yeah once it gets fall/winter round here they start asking 65-70 face cord, but still some around for 50 plus a fee for delivery though. The guy I got my cord of Ash from said he would sell me a full cord of pine logs for 30 bucks
Shame, I thought he may have been returning a favour. Here you could pay between $300-400 per cord for split (loosely packed) hardwood. For kiln dried neatly palletised ash over $500! This is why I scrounge
Yeah, yeah, I know. I did put that disclaimer in there though. My luck, he'll show up while I'm gone this morning................ Pics WILL be posted.
Got a delivery of 300 Christmas trees from a local logger/trucker to sell as a fundraiser for my daughters school music program. I was bullchittin with the guy while the kids were unloading the truck, I asked him about tree length wood, $150 a cord and you have to buy the whole truck full of 8-9 cords.
Must be a over-sized truck. Standard truck load around here (as pictured) is 6-7 cord. This load was just under 7 cord of Oak and was $950.