I'm a pellet guy... so i don't know anything about anything when it comes to wood. My dad had some oaks cut down, and i took a truck load for my outdoor firepit. These are ~2 ft long rounds. The trees were alive, not dead. I have no tools other than a basic ax. I will be splitting by hand. Should I get a wedge? a maul? one of those rounded spikes? Should I wait until they season a bit, or is it better to do it when it's green?
Sooooo, you don't know anyone with a splittah? Any idea what kinda oak? Pics of the rounds would be sorta helpful- branchy stuff would involve a maul/ or a wedge and sledge, IMO... Hope you can get it done w/out too much Ibuprofen.
If I won the lottery. Crazy guy has truck load of oak,ash or insert any hardwood here. Delivered to Wyoming. It would be me with a big ole smile on my face...
I say swing away I split all my fire wood with just an ax. I don't have a maul or wedges or anything like that and so far have run into very little that can't be conquered. As far as green or seasoned goes, I think that splitting the same day they were cut is easiest if they are green. I have no science to back that up other than personal experience though
i'm not a tree specialist, i think they might be northern red oak but i can't be sure. they are de-limbed, just trunk wood about 2foot long. i intend to split into about 6 or 8 pieces and keep the length.
WWW has always done the same, except I do not know if he has a fiskars brand..... He splits with his maul alot, and occasionally uses it on the wedge. Except out here, if its too wet and needs the wedge, he just lets it sit another year. Then again, we do not have oak. I am envious Brian!!
2' long rounds may be tough to split by hand especially green/wet. Leaving them till they are frozen later this winter may help.
it's not worth it to rent a splitter.. i have all the time in the world to get to it, and i' still a strapping kinda-young lad. I'm in pretty good shape, mid 30s, lift 4 days a week i'll just skip the gym that day