I've gont thru about one forth of a cord andi t has been rather junky wood at that. Will be getting colder later this week. My shoulder wood might last until the first of December.
Really, I am starting to worry! in Sept put 4.5 cord of popular and apple uglies on deck to get me through to winter when I got cords of ash to reload deck with. FYI I burned 14 cord last year... I have only burned about half a cord! so house is at 80 Why this is a problem. my covered wood deck is attached to living/stove room. if we get deep snow I could have a hard time getting winter wood from stacks to deck... because uglies are not stacked tight, or as well as ash/maple not enough room to reload deck New IS has had 24 hour burns on popular granted not throwing a lot of heat but it's been so warm.. I got a cord and a half of ash behind garage worse case scenario I will wheel barrow it in But 6 cord of wood all winter? I might get on this 3 year plan yet!
About 12-15 splits lol I fired the insert up about two or 3 times to take the morning chill of weeks ago. It's been very mild here and the stove's been cold for weeks with the new oil heater has been doing its job.
Oil heater- heresy. Maybe a 1/3 cord -mostly box wood and such. One or two nights of Honey Locust and some Hickory ( 32-22 degrees couple times) to carry thru till morning. but even those were shorts/uglies.
It appears as though I have burned a little over 1/8th of a cord so far this season. All hardwood. If the higher than normal temperatures persist, I might have to raid next years wood for some shoulder season wood, poplar and silver maple, since I don't have any in this years wood. I only heat with wood, no oil or propane!
I have an Englander 13 NC with a blower that I don't have plugged in and the add on heat shields on the sides. No electric heat either. I have also converted to all LED's for lighting removing the incandescent and CFL's.
Star Gazer , what benefits do you see by using the side shields? I've considered adding those to the NC30.
I like the peace of mind knowing that if someone or something comes in contact with that part of the stove that they won't get seriously burnt. It also reduces the side clearances where if I wanted to I could probably stack wood to within a inch or 2 of the stove and not be concerned. The shields also don't seem to affect performance of the stove since I have run it with and without the shields installed. Plus I think it completes the look of the stove. Kind of adds a more beefy balanced look to it. The top plate of the stove measures about 25 and 1/2 inches across while the stove body has an outside measurement of 23 and 1/2 inches. With the addition of the shields on each side, it matches the top measurement.
I've burned far less this fall than in the past 5 years - been pretty mild. Maybe a 3rd of a cord or so - but mostly uglies and chunks and some cherry I had set aside for this fall. I hope this patterns keeps up - needs to haul a lot of wood out and hoping that snow doesn't shut me out of the woods! Cheers!
I've went thru about 1/8 cord so far. A few evening fires a week is about it so far. Looks like I'll be moving some wood around this weekend :stacke:
Maybe 3-4 wheelbarrow loads so far, playing with the new IS. NG furnace is still off and will stay that way for the time being. Starting to get some cooler weather so wood will be stepped up a notch or so. I agree with others, even after 20-24 hours the IS is still at 200* or so.
Between 1/4 - 1/2 cord. We have been burning more than we "need" to since this is our first season and we still think of the stove as our shiny new toy.
They are getting real good at posing, I couldn't get my kids to stay still that long when they were little. Always love your pics, keep em coming!
Up till yesterday, 22 deg. just 2 wheelbarrows full, small fires for the chill. Today is 19 deg. first over night fire, we are making some heat, it's game on now.