He is 14 now and was never into deer hunting. Squirrel and Rabbit? Yep.. That involves movement. Deer though, you had to sit and be quiet for hours.. Well, he finally came around.. This year he was hooked on deer hunting because of all his buddies being into it. To say I was excited was an understatement. He dropped this 9 point like a bad habit. We dropped it off at the taxidermist this evening. I can't wait to take him out for shotgun here in Ohio. A few pics of our endeavor in Ky.. Waiting.... This was minutes before it crossed that ridge. Me and my son My father came immediately after he heard the shot..
A very Proud moment indeed... Congrats to your son, Mr. DexterDay ... Great Pics, Thanks for Sharing...
Well now Dex....tell your son he may have a bit of "Yooper" in him! All you would have needed is snow on the ground. How did he do on the gutting? Congratulations!
Fantastic! Hoping this happens for my youngest son in a few short weeks! Took the boys out turkey hunting last Saturday evening and my cousins son shot his first turkey. We had a great time. Love spending time with the youngins. Our kids grow up so fast, enjoy these years while you can!
Nice Dex! What an experience for your three generations there. That looks like a beautiful spot, I can just imagine seeing that baby come over that ridge! What was he shooting there with the fluted barrel?
Thanks everyone.. As for the gutting, I did just as my father did to me. My son got to watch me field dress his first deer. (I made him remove the genitals and hang them in the nearest tree/it's something we do for good luck). Sunday morning I took a doe to help fill the freezer and because their non resident tags were $260 this year. So I was bringing meat home. But he dressed out the doe and did a pretty good job. Only asking a few questions. This was the hillside that the does were on. It was about a 200 yard shot. This was the first year we used one of the pelvis saws. Man does that thing work great. The stop at the bottom prevents you from pulling out and really allows you to make short work of that bone. This is my favorite pic of the trip. Him in the back of the side by side with his buck.
That's a Thompson Center 22-250. I explained to him that shot placement was everything, before we even got down to Ky. His shot was in lower neck quartering away. So it went in the neck and came out the opposite side shoulder. Dropped him Johnny on the Spot! I've used a .223, .22-250, and a 220 swift (my favorite gun of those 3 calibers) to take numerous deer down there. Although we do primarily use larger guns, like a .270 (owned a few of them), 25-06, 30-06, and .308. By next season he will have a larger rifle. I'd like to see him with a .25-06 or a .260 or .270. He likes the .243 or .308 more. So we'll see as time goes by. I'm a fan of lighter, faster, and flatter shooting calibers. 25-06 is the bees knees in my opinion.
I was hoping that someone else heard of this.. It's something that my father taught me when I was 12 years old. The "nuts" always get hung up for good luck.
Nice Scotty! And yes, they do grow to fast! We seen over 40 turkey on Sunday morning. But you can't take a Turkey during modern gun season. Otherwise dinner would have been a big ol turkey breast!