I have 2 single shot .22's in my safe that are set aside as both of my daughters first guns. Now that I think about it, that leaves ME without a single shot .22! Maybe it's time I start looking for an old Winchester 67A, for, you know, so I'll have something to shoot with them....
Very nice. I've been out of the game too long, I really miss it. ( lamenting voice, bit of eye-roll, scoshe of cheese with my whine- ) ..working on it.
I've been out awhile myself. Just no time coupled with the fact I already surpassed the goals I had set for myself in the beginning. Sure do miss the break of a nice Jewell 1.5 ounce trigger though. I'm saving all the BR guns for when I retire.
I hear you. Canjar single set always let me know to back off the coffee. It doesn't take much. "Kiss it or miss it", heard that a lot when coached on trigger control.
WWW brought in his 1960's suitcase that he used to store gun parts in tonight, probably weighs 200 lbs. He a scope and rings (old but decent stuff that he knows well) so the 17 will get a scope this weekend. No, not really for the daughter though that is his story LOLOL, but at some point sure, when she can lift and hold it!! He just brought me a bullet saying look, isnt it cute little thing? So he is talking about the scope (over my head), brings it to me, I look through it and see the fine cross hairs and admire it, I hand it back to him and realize we both just looked through it with our left eyes. We are both right handed (though he is ambidextrious). I cannot wait to see which eye is dominant on the lil one!!
Hard to say for sure. We were looking at that new 17 at Cabelas the other day. They did have regular 22 on the shelf.
I though guns used a bullet or a round, now cartridge too? Wait there are shells too. Crap, Beetle-Kill explained this to me before, I am not a very good student.
a bullet is part of a cartridge or a round, the part that is fired out the barrel, we will get you through it